Ummm had 2 go to Planned Parenth00d 2day...NO I'm not knocked up...have to get tests to keep my massage permit valid and current. there at 830 and still had to sit n wait for 3 fuckin' hours...LAME SAUCE! But at least I got some shit out of the way...still need to go back 4 results, and go take them with a pohat check downtown...
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3 hours? Wow, that is crazy. I would go nuts 

huh? they really make you get tested?
So it's Thursday...back to the grid tomorrow, think it's going to be a relatively slow day at the spa though. That's ok business has been pretty good, and I have been getting tons of killer compliments on my work left n right. Kind of missing the East bay 2sday...thinking I may hop in my car and go visit a friend......
Awwww.... just for that you get number 1 on my list sexy rock star bad ass!!! I can't wait to come sweep you off your feet
Awwww.... just for that you get number 1 on my list sexy rock star bad ass!!! I can't wait to come sweep you off your feet

Chillin at home....eatin sum chilli cheese fries w sum peach bacardi. Just relaxin', saw sum friends earlier, i got some krazy friends haha. Had some blood work done today, haven't been feeling 100%all the time lately, but I am sure s'all gravy.

Home from work....met with my photographer to discuss the shots for my set...HOPEFULLY..the pics look great so I'm crossing my fingers! Smoking a b0wl of the purps relaxing, talking to my BFF and gay husband Brian who now sadly lives in AZ. He's comming home for his 20th Bday this weekend..I am very excited! We are going to haaave to get FADED and party hardkore...his...
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Hey sexy! So yeah they need to hurry up with this process so I can see you go pink! Also the seeing you naked part is good for me too...
Hey sexy! So yeah they need to hurry up with this process so I can see you go pink! Also the seeing you naked part is good for me too...

LOOONG BUSY work day. Time 4 lasagna and french bread...w0rd! Oh and don't 4 get the bud...never 4get the bud...hehehe...duuuuh!

never forget the herb.. let's match on a blunt sometime
east bay, yo!'s my day off..actually I have today and tomorrow off. I've still be up since 7 though, but I think I'm about to load up Homer (My largest bong) and make some steak nachoes..MmMmMmmm.
Damn it..almost out of ChroniK...gotta hit up the man 2morrow I guess. It's only 10:30 am so my days not really very exciting if you are reading this umm..yeeeeeeah you...
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Damn it..almost out of ChroniK...gotta hit up the man 2morrow I guess. It's only 10:30 am so my days not really very exciting if you are reading this umm..yeeeeeeah you...
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You have just been blessed by his highness the Chocolate! As you were shawty...
You have just been blessed by his highness the Chocolate! As you were shawty...
Hella don't feel like going to work 2day! Tuesdays are the fucking slooooowest shift of the week..hands down! I may call in, but I doubt it..I always feel wicked guilty when I do....dammit!
I like the dark hair best... though the red, blond, and blue kick ass too... tough call.
I've had hella MANY hair colors/stylez
Photoshop/ Picasa etc
Sooo...I have been up since 4 am! and on my feet working since about 7:30. Thus it is soo beyond time 2 get DRUNK! I really despise workjing Saturday makes Saturday my very least favorite day of the week...actually that might be least Saturday I know i don't have to work on Sunday!
Any on Sparks #1 about to slam a shot...
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Any on Sparks #1 about to slam a shot...
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Saturday morning work is horrible!
I'm Corey by the way, a pleasure to meet you!
I'm Corey by the way, a pleasure to meet you!
Very nice work!!
The tats