Ahh the life of a restaurant whore....
Anyone else with sore feet from standing all night? Sore face from fake smiling at customers when you really just want to smack them?
Here's a toast to all of my fellow restaurant workers....customer service is the bane of my existence...so why do I keep going back?
Anyone else with sore feet from standing all night? Sore face from fake smiling at customers when you really just want to smack them?
Here's a toast to all of my fellow restaurant workers....customer service is the bane of my existence...so why do I keep going back?
Service life is a bitch (all from hearsay)... but I hear bar tending is great! You can support yourself working a few nights a week if you can snag a good job. And you get the added bonus of laughing at drunk people.
I want to open my own restaurant....oh, if only
So for now, I smile, make irreverant conversation and bide my time....