I got to see my beautiful Savage on wednesday, i missed that girl so so much! She made me a yummy dinner (that we could both eat!), teached me how to pole dance (i loved it coz i love being like a monkey and climb on things all the time), she helped me fix my skin....(btw Savage.. the stuff you gave me works!), and she taught me how to dress more burlesque. Oh did i mention i got to watch her pole dance in skimpy short shorts and a low cut top
hehe. I love that girl!
Other than that, i have been just running about doing stuff.. not anything useful just interviews and it just seems like I have no time for anything! I do though have a interview on monday for something good altho temporary its still money.
Finished my last exam on tuesday.. fuck yeah! wrote 8 pages on ethics, 8... i only stopped coz i ran outa time. Thats never happened to me before, i usually walk out half hour after an exam starts (and always end up failing or with shit grades). fingers crossed this one is better.
I get to see Snowy, Discosleeze, Machiko and Social tomorrow! And what makes it even better is that we're meeting at the sailing club i go to (and where my boat is kept) and we're having bbq, camera day and sailing (hopefully if the weather is good!). YAY!
I got a pair of shoes in the post today. They're the fucking best shoes ever!!!!!:

I'm picking up my new/old car tomorrow! I'm sooo excited! Just gotta sell my shitty car now... hmm anyone want a shitty 10 yr old peugeot 206?!
Last but not least. I'm turning 21 next thursday! and to celebrate 10 SG's are coming out with me for a bday meal then we're going to Facedown after. And Zoey and Aymie will be coming over next day to teach us how to fire breath for the SG nite in wales in July!
FULL OF ADVENTURE i just cant wait... things are looking up! woop woop!
p.s: The set I shot for Saffire will be in MR soon!
p.p.s just found this on my hard drive. I shot this ages and made this ages ago for Koshil

Other than that, i have been just running about doing stuff.. not anything useful just interviews and it just seems like I have no time for anything! I do though have a interview on monday for something good altho temporary its still money.
Finished my last exam on tuesday.. fuck yeah! wrote 8 pages on ethics, 8... i only stopped coz i ran outa time. Thats never happened to me before, i usually walk out half hour after an exam starts (and always end up failing or with shit grades). fingers crossed this one is better.
I get to see Snowy, Discosleeze, Machiko and Social tomorrow! And what makes it even better is that we're meeting at the sailing club i go to (and where my boat is kept) and we're having bbq, camera day and sailing (hopefully if the weather is good!). YAY!
I got a pair of shoes in the post today. They're the fucking best shoes ever!!!!!:

I'm picking up my new/old car tomorrow! I'm sooo excited! Just gotta sell my shitty car now... hmm anyone want a shitty 10 yr old peugeot 206?!
Last but not least. I'm turning 21 next thursday! and to celebrate 10 SG's are coming out with me for a bday meal then we're going to Facedown after. And Zoey and Aymie will be coming over next day to teach us how to fire breath for the SG nite in wales in July!

FULL OF ADVENTURE i just cant wait... things are looking up! woop woop!

p.s: The set I shot for Saffire will be in MR soon!
p.p.s just found this on my hard drive. I shot this ages and made this ages ago for Koshil

ehum, sorry. I found another bruise on my leg. Pool dancing is hard core!
Your car looks so cool! have a great bddy, and super well done with the exams.