Sorry i've been so unorganised with my blogs, I shall write my road trip diary out tomorrow with photos. But for the time being this is what I was up to on friday (it was the lovely Machiko's bday shindig).

It was lovely seeing everyone and making new friends. I love spending time with Machiko and Miyo they're seriously the best girls ever
. (and most of the SG girlies r lovely too <3)
To Del:

It was lovely seeing everyone and making new friends. I love spending time with Machiko and Miyo they're seriously the best girls ever

To Del:
To Miyo:
Thank you for letting us stay over, one day I will return the favor. Hope u had fun redecorating on sat love you
Please check these sets out if u havent already, a lot of hard work has been put into these so please enjoy it whilst u can!
Natou-Treasure Chest
Bow- Ursus Maritimus
Turner- Hotpink Flash
Miyo- Vintage Caberet
i so wanna come to brighton and hang out with you guys again