EDITED: Are there any photographers in the UK that are willing to take photos of me for a set for Zivity? I still want to model but non nudes at the time being... Please PM me if you're interested in shooting me.
Joe took me to a animal park yesterday. It was sad, the enclosures were small and i swear half the animals have gone insane from the lack of stuff to do. The cats were walking in circles, the lions dens were smaller than our bike shed and one was disabled and her enclosure was on a hill and there were 2 gorilla enclosures, 1 was ok they had room to rome and do what they want, the other one was hidden away and each gorilla was in their own pens and it was the size of my bedroom (which is small!) they were definately not happy. The park was big, took us 3 hours to walk around it, was like walking a country park on a sunny day which was nice. We bought meerkat food to feed them, except we couldn't find them, then looked at the map at the beginning and found it so we headed to go feed them only to be told that part of the park was temporarily closed for emergency evacuation. Half the enclosures were empty and most of them were overgrown with plants and weeds.
sad sad park. There was a safari, 5 pound each to go on it, but it was the same route as the one we walked.. lame!
It's meant to be a good park, but we were disapointed and sad when we left. Here are some photos, couldnt take many as the cages were so bad.

MR stuff:

Bow- Ursus Maritimus

Turner- Hotpink Flash

Miyo- Vintage Caberet
Joe took me to a animal park yesterday. It was sad, the enclosures were small and i swear half the animals have gone insane from the lack of stuff to do. The cats were walking in circles, the lions dens were smaller than our bike shed and one was disabled and her enclosure was on a hill and there were 2 gorilla enclosures, 1 was ok they had room to rome and do what they want, the other one was hidden away and each gorilla was in their own pens and it was the size of my bedroom (which is small!) they were definately not happy. The park was big, took us 3 hours to walk around it, was like walking a country park on a sunny day which was nice. We bought meerkat food to feed them, except we couldn't find them, then looked at the map at the beginning and found it so we headed to go feed them only to be told that part of the park was temporarily closed for emergency evacuation. Half the enclosures were empty and most of them were overgrown with plants and weeds.

It's meant to be a good park, but we were disapointed and sad when we left. Here are some photos, couldnt take many as the cages were so bad.

MR stuff:

Bow- Ursus Maritimus

Turner- Hotpink Flash

Miyo- Vintage Caberet
I get all upset when i see animals closed away like that. i wish i could free all of them!!!

Hello!! how are you?