I'm such a silly bean, I only found out yesterday that my easter holidays start on the 30th March not 6th April, so I have an extra week! An extra week to finish my dissertation before our road trip!!! I have to finish everything by the 4th April, as Joe's taken 2 weeks off!
Our road trip will start in Essex then driving to Joe's best friends house in Wales, near Aberystwyth (sp?) it will take 4-6 hours. Staying 2 nights. Then driving down to his dads house to visit his lil sis, dad and step mum. That'll take another 4-6 hours. Staying 2 nights and 3 days. Driving home to essex to get some clean clothes then driving down to Brighton on the friday to Machiko's birthday!!!
Lots of photos will be taken!!
Prints still for sale, PM me if you are interessted!
Also, I think i'm gna give up on shooting sets soon, just dont feel appreciated or like my stuff is good enough. My best work is Bow's set, comments have slowly coming to a halt, stuck at 718 comments. I doubt it will ever go up but im staying positive and hoping it does. I would like atleast 1 live set during my time on SG.
I maybe shoot a few more, see the verdict, then stop. I dunno. If you want to shoot PM me, whether it b for SG, modelling etc.
Also, I'm getting my car back today!! I've walked about 3 days this week and my ass feels tight! hehe ive never had an ass before and now its starting to appear, its great! There was a hole in one of the cylinders which caused it to have no power and shake loads! I'm only collecting it coz my sister foned and said if she could borrow it and i said yes and she decided to take everything out like change stuff like my air freshners that i collect. they're all roxy ones or my first one from when i passed my driving test given to me by my friends and Joe, so they do have sentimental value. I'm not going to drive it though but its my car and I dont want anyone changing it thinking its their car. It pisses me off, its mine dont fucking touch it. But i'm going to continue to walk as I enjoy it despite it taking me 2 hours a day it clears my mind and gives me a nice ass!

My 21st Birthday is coming up... not long now! Its in June, need some ideas. I dont want it to be just a nite out of drinking esp coz im yeast intollerant and the yeast in alcohol will make me ill. So ideas on a nice day thing or night thing is muchly appreciated!
Anyways I shall stop talking, i always end up writing to much on here. Starting my (either) 365 or 52 week project soon, as soon as i get this nasty dissertation finished and assignments!
Love u all, please show my MR sets some love. I promise one day I will have something really perfect, one day.
p.s: dunno if its possible but Turner and I may be changing the set... deleting some clothed images and adding some more nudeys. If it is possible that would be perfect but dunno we'll try soon.
MR stuff:

Bow- Ursus Maritimus

Turner- Hotpink Flash

Miyo- Vintage Caberet
im next fre in may as have sooooooo much stuff going on these next 2 months.
ok, if we make a date, we can stick to it
hows may 17th to shoot?
ive got a great idea, something that represents my personality- it includes beer
oooooooooooooooooooo, ur bday last year was fab!!!!! chicago was fab, apart from the annoying tart playing the lead role!!! lol!!!
we shud do something simular,ooooo or lke a dinner n bowling nite, hopefully i wont be working the next day too!!!!
i cant wait to cu for my bday!!!!
i loves you!!!!!!!!!!
today i think im supposed to be going for a few drinks ....beer garden yay! Ive only just got out of the bath i should get ready haha.
I will do the paypal do-dah when I get in tonight! MWAH xxxx