My friend just uploaded this onto facebook.... it was from august last year... and you know what i think i might dye my hair this colour again, either today or sometime during the week.
I need a haircut, i havent had it cut since that disaster in september and well its grown out lots and looks a mess!
Thank you for the help requested in the previous blog. I actually had a nice day in the library and will be doing it again soon... i got 1,000 words done... 9,000 left to do! eek!!!
If i have time today i will be doing some self portraits if not i will sometime during the week coz it has been a while since i did any photography!!! Luckily ive got 4 photography jobs lined up, so if anyone lives in cambridge let me know i might be able to meet you!
Photo blog soon i hope!

Good luck with your dissertation.