I had my first spanish class today, it was good fun!! We learnt the alphabet and a few words and pronounciation, probably the most fun ive had at university so far. Its foundation 1 so very basic stuff!
I got up at 6 this morning to go to university to study.. yes i'm turning into a geek but i love it coz i feel so productive and i get to get out of the house. I did some of my dissertation... doing it again tomorrow but from 10-10.... joe is dropping me off for a lesson then i'm going straight to the library until he finishes work... 12 hour shift!
Update on family life, my dad is an asshole.... we all know that by now. I think i mentioned that my mum got drunk again last thursday but neither me or my sister could go home.. basically its my dads fault so he should take care of it. And i got hom yesterday to find that my mum tried to commit suicide... but i reckon she wouldn't coz its all for attention... she shows off her scabs and it wasnt that bad.
My mum found a article in my dads coat pocket about opening another bank account for the mistress due to credit crunch etc.. my mum started talkin to me/moaning to me this morning about it at 6 am! fuck i got mad and told her to shut up and speak to dad not me coz she was ruining my day by starting with negative things so early in the morning. argh! My dad wont speak to my mum, nor will he treat her with any respect still... even after my 5 page long text about how he is an ass... he is so one minded and holds a grudge that he said " i dont care anymore if my kids hate me, i dont like them anyways.." thats why we dont like him coz hes held a grudge since i was 15.
ALso he said to my mum.. if we didnt have kids i would've left u yrs ago, my mum said in reply i didnt want kids, ur mum forced me and my dad had a go at her and said he didnt want kids and my mum ruined his life.. bullshit!
Anyhooo i spoke to my student advisor yesterday, i have to go see a counsellor and appeal for my grades to go up. I get an extension if i need to on my modules now. which is great but it doesnt change the fact i cant live at home ne more its that bad... the vibe is so negative id rather go to uni.... could be positive, could be necgative.
I will update with more photos later.... shooting a set for my er sister later... maybe... eeek.
sorry to be a pain, but we have loads of calendars left:

please please please vote for this set i love this girl lots and its my favorite/best set i've ever done so far....
Bow- Ursus Maritimus

I got up at 6 this morning to go to university to study.. yes i'm turning into a geek but i love it coz i feel so productive and i get to get out of the house. I did some of my dissertation... doing it again tomorrow but from 10-10.... joe is dropping me off for a lesson then i'm going straight to the library until he finishes work... 12 hour shift!
Update on family life, my dad is an asshole.... we all know that by now. I think i mentioned that my mum got drunk again last thursday but neither me or my sister could go home.. basically its my dads fault so he should take care of it. And i got hom yesterday to find that my mum tried to commit suicide... but i reckon she wouldn't coz its all for attention... she shows off her scabs and it wasnt that bad.
My mum found a article in my dads coat pocket about opening another bank account for the mistress due to credit crunch etc.. my mum started talkin to me/moaning to me this morning about it at 6 am! fuck i got mad and told her to shut up and speak to dad not me coz she was ruining my day by starting with negative things so early in the morning. argh! My dad wont speak to my mum, nor will he treat her with any respect still... even after my 5 page long text about how he is an ass... he is so one minded and holds a grudge that he said " i dont care anymore if my kids hate me, i dont like them anyways.." thats why we dont like him coz hes held a grudge since i was 15.
ALso he said to my mum.. if we didnt have kids i would've left u yrs ago, my mum said in reply i didnt want kids, ur mum forced me and my dad had a go at her and said he didnt want kids and my mum ruined his life.. bullshit!
Anyhooo i spoke to my student advisor yesterday, i have to go see a counsellor and appeal for my grades to go up. I get an extension if i need to on my modules now. which is great but it doesnt change the fact i cant live at home ne more its that bad... the vibe is so negative id rather go to uni.... could be positive, could be necgative.
I will update with more photos later.... shooting a set for my er sister later... maybe... eeek.

sorry to be a pain, but we have loads of calendars left:

please please please vote for this set i love this girl lots and its my favorite/best set i've ever done so far....
Bow- Ursus Maritimus

check your facebook