2009 so far has been crap... but stay positive as i said a few weeks ago.
so another thing went horribly wrong tonight... my little sister (shes 18) crashed her car on an A road (2 lane highway sort of thing to the non brits). Its nearly 10 pm i havnt had dinner yet coz i had to rush off to sort out her insurance, recovery truck and to go pick her up (we spent 2 hours on the side of the A road freezing our tits off!). Funnily enough the recovery truck was late and he works for On Time recovery... I'm just glad joe works for a breakdown company and know all the lingo and stuff to sort it out quicker. The whole front end of her car is all smashed up, I still have to sort out her insurance claims tomorrow....
BUT this year is still going to be a happy year, i dont care i know so much has gone wrong from my family problems (mum is still insane, blaming us now for the affair), my sis crashing her car to my health problems (blood test tomorrow...eek). I will stay positive and happy.
SOOOO to treat myself and keep myself occupied through these hard times i'm going to Jessops and buying a camera tomorrow!
Its between the Nikon d90 and Nikon D300 (at the moment the D300 is winning... ) just gotta try them out and decide which one i prefer the feel of.
Anyways going to bed now got to pick Joe up from work at 7am tomorrow morning (He's working nights)
ciao for now lovers and friends.
please please please vote for this set i love this girl lots and its my favorite/best set i've ever done so far....
Bow- Ursus Maritimus
Also don't forget we're selling breast cancer calendars still!The calendars are not pink!!!

so another thing went horribly wrong tonight... my little sister (shes 18) crashed her car on an A road (2 lane highway sort of thing to the non brits). Its nearly 10 pm i havnt had dinner yet coz i had to rush off to sort out her insurance, recovery truck and to go pick her up (we spent 2 hours on the side of the A road freezing our tits off!). Funnily enough the recovery truck was late and he works for On Time recovery... I'm just glad joe works for a breakdown company and know all the lingo and stuff to sort it out quicker. The whole front end of her car is all smashed up, I still have to sort out her insurance claims tomorrow....
BUT this year is still going to be a happy year, i dont care i know so much has gone wrong from my family problems (mum is still insane, blaming us now for the affair), my sis crashing her car to my health problems (blood test tomorrow...eek). I will stay positive and happy.
SOOOO to treat myself and keep myself occupied through these hard times i'm going to Jessops and buying a camera tomorrow!
Its between the Nikon d90 and Nikon D300 (at the moment the D300 is winning... ) just gotta try them out and decide which one i prefer the feel of.
Anyways going to bed now got to pick Joe up from work at 7am tomorrow morning (He's working nights)
ciao for now lovers and friends.
please please please vote for this set i love this girl lots and its my favorite/best set i've ever done so far....
Bow- Ursus Maritimus

Also don't forget we're selling breast cancer calendars still!The calendars are not pink!!!

I'll be there both days sugar! Yay xxx
hope it didn't take too long for you to get back today one lady was sat in traffic for 6 hours!!!!!! I will possible need more calenders, I have sold /put by 12 already