I'm ill.... AGAIN! I've been ill twice this semester.. this rarely happens but i think my immnue system isnt really that good atm coz of my intolerence (i keep accidently eating things that contain yeast or MSG without realising it contains it... so my belly has been hurting again) I need to get better.. im struggling to concentrate coz i have a migrane and feeling like im gna pass out but I only have a week left to finish 3 assignments! Ive got 2 almost done so far, just 1 more to start.
I hate being ill
. Hopefully i'll get better by saturday so I can see some lovely SG's again (fingers crossed!).
Ne hooo i better get on with it before i give up and pass out in my new lovely pajamas in bed.
P.S- as of Jan 2009 I will try to not log onto SG until i've finished university so just saying if i disapear for a while u know why.
Bow- Ursus Martimus
I hate being ill

Ne hooo i better get on with it before i give up and pass out in my new lovely pajamas in bed.
P.S- as of Jan 2009 I will try to not log onto SG until i've finished university so just saying if i disapear for a while u know why.
Bow- Ursus Martimus

Hope you feel better soon