look out for Eden on sunday the 26th October! Her set Convention Backstage goes into Member review at 6am!
This was shot at the London Tattoo Convention and none of it was planned, i just happened to have my SLR with me and we found a room to do it in. Hope u guys like it! I think its the best set ive shot so far!

Social's set- My Corner goes into MR on the 25th (tomorrow)! This was shot at her house, used my lights for like the first time ever so hopefully its good enough. It was good fun though and her house is really nice!!
Anyhoo im still sick, woke up at like 8.. didnt sleep very well and now im like a zombie. Need to start on my assignments this weekend.... gonna sit down and email everyone i need to and get cracking!
ooh ooh i forgot to say but Daisy is coming over tomorrow to play eep im excited!!!

I'd support the second idea more than the first.
gorgeous! I love your photography and all the sets. i think the social set is stunning i just wish you'd had more room to shoot and it hadnt been a bedroom ya know
i find myself really wanting a full photo where you can see her whole dress etc