Updated poloroid pic... scanned version. Ok so its still not very clear but u get the point right... the ladyboys are mega hot!
I need help with my coursework. I need a manager to interview so i can analyse and stuff. please PM me if you've been a manager for around 10 yrs. thanks.
Look what Koneko just sent me. Its a pic of her with one of my strawberry hats! SO cute!!!
I'm still selling hats but i've spoilered it so it doesn't take up too much space, they're also on ebay but for 10 e.a:
I'm going to meet Koshil with Savage on weds for a photoshoot, fingers crossed it goes well!
the sg release, or just a general release? if its a general release, just google 'model release' and there will be standard ones you can download and alter to suit you. x x
thanks lady! x x