OK so what else has been happening? well not a lot, i avnt been online for a while coz i've been staying at Joe's house. My mum has been strange recently, everything i do she's shouted at me for. Ok like yesterday she called me when i was out shopping about our printer at home and asked me what ink and i was like well i dunno and she shouted at me down the fone and hung up on me! she's been a rite bitch. what kind of mother wood fone all her friends and bitch about their daughters whilst the daughters r upstairs??
Joe and I have applied for housing since Im jobless still coz i'm a student and he doesn't make a lot of money. We've been accepted on the council one, we're just waiting for the private housing association to get back to us. Problem is the waiting list is like a few yrs!!! But it would be nice to move out soon! I am trying to get a job but the employment bureau at my uni hasnt gotten back to met yet bout ne jobs.
I went to primark yesterday and OMG i coodnt fit into ne thing and if i cood it looked hidious even if it was just a t-shirt! I coodnt fit into a size medium or 12 and im usually a size small or 8... so i sat in the changing rooms nearly in tears and i came out and Joe was like dont b stupid! But I feel like i ave gained weight but my mum (the person that calls me fat everyday) said ive lost weight... weird!
My stomach has been really funny recently, its bloated and hurts. sumtimes it makes me look like im pregnant but im not! I think i mite be allergic to like bread and stuff like that... its only when i eat bread lots that my stomach hurts lots!
Plus Ive been really spotty the last few months, it mite be that ive finally lost my tan and its just more visible coz im white now or cood b hormonal. its weird its like red dots.. not pussy looking ones but they hurt too. Im thinkin it cood b my make up and brushes i use, i hardly wear make up so it takes me yrs to finish them. ive used my foundation since last july... shood i get a new one and new brushes etc??
Anyways i think thats it for now! I'll be updating next week as I'm going away this weekend to Brighton to see Machiko, Miyo and Savage. We're all staying down there for the weekend so it'll b lots of fun as i havnt been to a slumber party since like ever! never really got along with girls and now ive got such great girl friends that r like me and just so laid back!
sorry for such a long blog... im just bored of doing university work!
thats all for now!
Custom Made flower hair clips for sale! To save time and space i'll spoiler it so if you're interested ave a look!
i haves no idea what im gona wear today!!1 ummm, made shorts n a cute top? im so indecisive! ahhhhh!
as for tonite, again with me being crap at deciding wot to wear, gona just pack a bag of stuffs n get u gals to help!
milk&sugar u say? sounds kinda gross! see, i luffs horlicks!its so nummy esp the chocolate one!
ok, gona drag myself outa bed, im not usually lazy, just 2 weeks off of work has done it to me!
10 years WTF! maybe an allergy test would be faster, but usually one has a hint about what's wrong. milk or wheat are the most likely though.