Thats it, i've got change. I got to stop stuffing my fat face full of junk whenever i get upset. I'm gna lose weight and well gna give myself a goal of losing 10lbs by my bday (which is in june)... dunno how possible that is but im getting to flabby and chubby...
OK at the moment i think i'm 131lbs if my scales are accurate but i have a feeling ive gained a bit more in the last few weeks coz ive been binge eating coz i cant stand being at home it makes me sad and depressed.
as much as i hate my hair and how it makes me feel so damn unattractive i've got to let it grow out and get healthy again so i'm gna give it til after may 13 (if i can) til i dye it coz thats when my summer holidays start... so it means new summer hair!!!
i've got nothing else to say right now.
hugs and kissesssss
Leilani xxx
I HATE being at home, so so much
And it seems silly but when my hairs shity i feel soooooo ugly and cry haha i just want it to grow!
Cant wait to meet you :]