Thank you for the birthday wishes! It hasnt been as exciting as other years... been at work, now joe's at work til 11. Only got 1 present as well... how lame, thats when u know that you're getting old!
So things at my new job is ok, well no its shit and boring! but its a job and only temp til november. The only thing... Read More
I forgot to say happy brithday, I hope you had a cool day once you got home from work! I hope your dissertation results are what you want. IT teaching sounds cool, although I never got on with my IT teacher (although I am sure you will be able to keep the boys attention )
i'm sad i couldn't make your weekend, looks like you had a great time!
The hair has changed a little hehe you will see.
YES you can stay at mine, you have to do pride and machiko must also!!!
I got to see my beautiful Savage on wednesday, i missed that girl so so much! She made me a yummy dinner (that we could both eat!), teached me how to pole dance (i loved it coz i love being like a monkey and climb on things all the time), she helped me fix my skin....(btw Savage.. the stuff you gave me works!), and she... Read More
Today was so depressing. I've finished university now pretty much I have one more exam on the 26th and thats it. I went to atleast 8 recruitment agencies to be turned away by 7 saying I haven't got enough skill or knowledge some even... Read More
hehehehe growing up is not the best thing ever!
erm i will try to get to koneko's if she does something as london isn't too far from me. you're such a star for the offer of letting me go to yours if i need to too. pregnancy really does change how you feel and react to everything, it's mad x