Sucha fun weekend...
~I stopped at Ericas house in the AM with some McDicks and discovered her and Nansi had plans to head downtown (Funny enough both are afraid of Vancouver driving so they suckered me into taking them)
~First stop H20 (It's Nansi's birthday month so she gets a discount)
~Next one Mac , bought some beautiful eyeshadow and spent WAY too much $$
~Stopped on the way home and introduced Nansi to Neil (
brother) ...heh heh...
~Had a Paralyzer during the pit stop
~Went to bed SUPER early cause I had an INTERVIEW today! (went really well but I won't bore anyone with details)
I'm more excited about the one tomorrow at 1:00
To Do
~Clear schedule on the 12th cause there's some serious panty shoppin to be had
~Buy some 'work' clothes that don't make me look like I'm 40.
~Erica & Nansis B-day 17th & 18th of Sept. (stay tuned for news on the jello wrestling party planned)
if you didn't click on this
link last time I posted it... do it now..
Take care!
Oh, one more thing.. I found out on Saturday that one of the girls that I'm moving in with (one of my best friends) .. was on the Rollar Coaster at Disneyland that crashed... she was on that particular train. She's okay, but holy shit.. she won't even really talk about it with us.. what are the chances ... --lots of hugs to her--
~I stopped at Ericas house in the AM with some McDicks and discovered her and Nansi had plans to head downtown (Funny enough both are afraid of Vancouver driving so they suckered me into taking them)
~First stop H20 (It's Nansi's birthday month so she gets a discount)
~Next one Mac , bought some beautiful eyeshadow and spent WAY too much $$
~Stopped on the way home and introduced Nansi to Neil (

~Had a Paralyzer during the pit stop
~Went to bed SUPER early cause I had an INTERVIEW today! (went really well but I won't bore anyone with details)
I'm more excited about the one tomorrow at 1:00
To Do
~Clear schedule on the 12th cause there's some serious panty shoppin to be had
~Buy some 'work' clothes that don't make me look like I'm 40.
~Erica & Nansis B-day 17th & 18th of Sept. (stay tuned for news on the jello wrestling party planned)

if you didn't click on this
link last time I posted it... do it now..

Take care!
Oh, one more thing.. I found out on Saturday that one of the girls that I'm moving in with (one of my best friends) .. was on the Rollar Coaster at Disneyland that crashed... she was on that particular train. She's okay, but holy shit.. she won't even really talk about it with us.. what are the chances ... --lots of hugs to her--
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's nasty experience!
No millenium grants for the first-full-time-semester gal. BOOOO!