And no, I don't mean like the time I stuck my penis into a just cooked jacket potato because it looked like fun. (Spoiler alert, it wasn't fun, it burned.) (Spoiler alert 2: That never actually happened, I am into some kinky shit, but I draw the line at fornicating with spuds.). I know I said I was gonna make some smaller gfx, but I am about to make something at 1920x1080, as I have just read that is what they call "true HD". If I don't post back in about an hour, it means I have collapsed, crying, and gone to bed after biting off more than I can chew, which by the way, is how I actually interact with jacket potatoes.
Oh? So you’ve never tried to bust it in a Russet?
@fredhincanada if I could post gifs on here, I would post my favourite Andy Samberg/Jake Peralta gif, but as I cannot, I shall just indulge you with a "Noice!"