Sorry guys, I have been all out of sorts lately. It's nothing too drastic, just a very sore throat and an eye that made me look like I'd got a toucha the ol' pink eye (It wasn't pink eye, I do not engage in any of the sort of debauched acts that cause that.). Suffice to say, my creativity and need to share details about my life, significantly waned. I know I've missed stuff from people I like a lot (I mean you @dicentra and you @eminerale), but, *cues the Jaws theme*... Just when you thought it was safe to venture into these waters...
It’s great to hear from you Leigh. I was wondering if you were ok. I hope you’re fully healthy again soon. I’ll go to the marina and look for some deals on bigger boats 🤣
Get some good rest. Hopefully, you’ll recover soon.