OK, so it would appear that after my earlier shoutout to a very beautiful lady, along with a slight rant about how this site sometimes operates, I now have another favourite new hopeful. I speak of the very beautiful @audaciousmira. Now they say that a lot of good things happen by accident and I am not proud to say that so did this. Looking down my feed, I spotted a comment from the beautiful lady so, I checked out her profile and came across (Not in that way, ya pervs) a photo of the young lady wearing some form of banana based clothing. Now, bananas are cool, right? Everyone eats them and they are just good, all in all. But I noticed something else, as I am pretty certain that most people did. Behind those glasses she is wearing were arguably the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen. I compared them to deep pools that many would or could drown in if they looked into them too long. But that sentiment honestly does it no fucking justice whatsoever.
This beautiful woman positively smiles with her eyes (I get it, smiles are for lips) but, some of the most beautiful eyes in the world have this sheer ability to smile and this young lady has that in abundance. I am very intrigued by what this young woman is able to bring to this site and on her journey through it and I ask anyone who reads my sometimes rambling posts, or likes my photos, or even looks at my page and goes "Does he really look like his profile picture?" (Spoiler alert, yes I am in fact a chibi in real life.). I'm rambling again, but yes, I ask anyone that reads this to go and shower this beautiful Goddess with love and support. If you don't believe me, go check that photo out and then dare to tell me that she hasn't got amazing eyes.
Young lady, I can only wish you the best of success on this fair site, and thank you for sharing your undeniable beauty with us mere mortals.