More @lucki fanart and kinda a loose remake of my 2020 piece involving her. I seriously don't know what it is about this woman, but it's definitely something magical. I also don't know why she is still an SGH either, as IMHO, she should have been pink years ago. The photos used are from a set that is not on SG anymore, which is a shame, but I'm certain the beautiful young lady had a good reason to take it down. Hope you all like it, and of course, I really hope she likes it too :-)

OK, hi guys.

Been a long time, has it not? In fact it’s been so long that I don’t even remember where I left you last in the Life of Leigh. I know it must have been something exciting and compelling, because I am just that sorta guy. I am also a delusionist.

NGL, these last couple months leading up to the all fabled 42...
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Would you also consider "Now those memories come back to haunt me They haunt me like a curse" on the inside of your other arm ( presuming you have both 😐)? It's a song for the working person so cursive goes well but since it's The River how about a font with more flow and movement? Lucinda springs (no pun intended) to mind. The font running through the middle of an outline of Johnstown ?? DM me if you wish .. it's a good song and I like lyric tattoos.
@spectral_line I would certainly consider it, yes. I've contacted the tattoo designer who I want to do it, and have the deposit on it too, so, let's see what happens.