Good evening folks! I have spent all of May sick and nursing a fucked up neck. I've been looking endlessly for Photo internships and have had no luck. There is never a number to get back to people. Everything is done over the internet and I have to fucking hold my breath waiting for some douche bag to get around to sifting through resumes. What ever happened to being personable? Anyway, I had a great weekend. I finally got around to celebrating my birthday (which was in May) with a couple of good friends and the boy. We went to this bar in the city that had a photo booth and skeeball. It rocked! I also found a wonderful pic taken of me on the toilet. I hope you enjoy it.

By the way...umm clean my drawers it's Mila Kunis!

By the way...umm clean my drawers it's Mila Kunis!

L x
and I used to have toilet photos, fucking photobucket deleted my account....dammmit.