Stress is unbearable as of late. How the fuck can I get rid of what has become a week long headache? I look at so many people around me and want to hurl all over them. I want to shake sense into them, I want to beat the shit out of some of them...I also want to scream in their faces until they cower in a corner trembling with the fear of my harsh realistic words! I know I seem unfair, harsh, entirely too angry and selfish. I need a place for all of this wasted energy to go. I have so many hobbies, so many outlets...but none seem appealing to me right this very moment. I want to take pictures and create..but if I were to do that right now I would be creating vomit worthy cliches that would make me even more angry. FUCK!

Here is a little clickable self-portrait

Here is a little clickable self-portrait