So it's been a while since i've written in here due to lack of time so here goes. I need to vent and have found throughout life that writing is the perfect medium in which to do so. The past three months have been surreal. I found a job in my field that I don't hate, I started going to a new school, and I just started a new relationship with a wonderful guy. All of this seemed to happen at the same time. Usually I'm not the queen of multitasking and seem to get easily overwhelmed to the point of eliminating certain stressful things in my life. However, as of late I am not only holding on to these three very important things but I'm succeeding at them as well. SO, GO ME! Don't mean to gloat...but for the first time in my life I'm pretty positive about my future. Instead of being "Debbie Downer" I am now "Confident Cassie"...(and a loser for saying that). In terms of Mr. Man...*sigh* I don't think I'll run away screaming from this one. He brings me things...not chocolate and flowers(cliche) but weapons in which to defend myself in my increasingly changing neighborhood. He's a ninja...Mr. Karate instructor and has access to obscure tangable defense mechanisms. I appreciate these gifts more than the typical chocolate and flowers as I am atypical in nature.
Here's an oldie but goodie completely irrelevant to any of the text above

Here's an oldie but goodie completely irrelevant to any of the text above

my Seth votes please yet the love and affection of the world
passs by my site thanks