holy moley crapola 
Over a month and no new blog??? This is practically unheard of!
Okay so whats new...
The hot weather has hit ewwwwww
. But, we did get 4-5 days of random April rain between the sweaty days which made me oh so very happy. One of the reasons why I hate hot weather is sweating so freakin much just walking down the street or sitting in a room, I hate that sticky feeling. 85f/~29c is the hottest I like it. Which is why I miss Santa Barbara soooo much oh the weather
On the school front...
Classes technically end May 27th but I'm awesome and don't have any finals the last week so I get done May 20th!
!!!!!!! I have also calculated how much time it'll take me to graduate with my masters in forensic anthropology 8 years! I have 8 more freakin years 'till I can graduate with my masters. uuuhhhhgggg but when I think about it I'll be 28 in 8 years which isn't bad at all. Lets not talk about my PhD right now. Yeah that's right you're gonna have to call me Dr. HA! n3rd powerz wuh!
I just happen to be from a town with this little university that just happens to be the only one in CA and 1 out of 10 in the U.S. that offers this program. Total awesomeness it just means I'll be having to spend more time then I had hoped in the growing town. BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT I have home court advantage which puts me ahead of allllllll the other peeps trying to get in. So BOOOOOOOYA! neener neener neener
On the life front...
The boy and I are still together and happy
He makes my vagina happy which makes me less cranky and bitchy. I get mean when I'm not having ze secksinz. My stepdad told my "sister" when she was here visiting "Man she's just way happier now that she's getting sex." Our friend, who was sitting next to my "sister" told me about it when we were at the bar. I started blushing and busted up laughing. BWAHAHAHAHA.
I'm pretty happy right now which is an odd feeling for me I don't think I'll ever get used to it. The only thing that makes me not so happy is when I get a call/txt from my bf asking me to pick him up from the bar and he's WASTED. When he's super wasted he either doesn't really gather that I'm not going to go away and cheat on him, or he's super sweet and shows that he wants affection. He also will treat me like one of the guys which I wouldn't mind if that didn't mean messing with me like he messes with his buddies. Believe me I'd rather hang out with a bunch of dirty boys then go shopping and get my toes/nails/hair done. That stuff is great once in a while but I'm not all about it.
Health news...
I FINALLY completely quit smoking cigarettes. Someone who's had asthma the majority of their life just shouldn't smoke. I got a mild case of bronchitis 2 months ago which just isn't cool. So I just finally said "FUCK IT THIS ISN'T WORTH IT!" so yayyy go me. Just don't had me a fag while I'm drunk and if you do stephyNOpants is gonna slap you and not in a naughty way.
I've also been loosing weight again which makes me super happy b/c I gained some back
. SOOOOOOOOOOOO close to my ideal weight I just need to keep at it. I wanna try and get down to 145lbs/~65.8kilos that would be fucking saaaaaweeeet.
Traveling news...
I LEAVE FOR THE EAST COAST ON MAY 27th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been back east since Thanksgiving of '07 I'm so excited to meet a bunch of you and to see my family. YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I'm staying for about 10 days which Is a good amount of play + family time.
For those of you in the area I'm trying to get a group together to go to the "shore" on Friday/Saturday the 5th. If you are awesome (sorry un-awesome people aren't invited) and want to come or meet up or w/e you know where to find me. I'm calling it BOOZE + JOOBZ do it east coast style. I think someone who is in one of the east coast groups should make it an actual event hint hint wink wink.
Okay enough now before I bore you to death. Must run off to work for a bit so I can go see Floater later tonight.

Over a month and no new blog??? This is practically unheard of!
Okay so whats new...
The hot weather has hit ewwwwww

On the school front...
Classes technically end May 27th but I'm awesome and don't have any finals the last week so I get done May 20th!

I just happen to be from a town with this little university that just happens to be the only one in CA and 1 out of 10 in the U.S. that offers this program. Total awesomeness it just means I'll be having to spend more time then I had hoped in the growing town. BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT I have home court advantage which puts me ahead of allllllll the other peeps trying to get in. So BOOOOOOOYA! neener neener neener

On the life front...
The boy and I are still together and happy

I'm pretty happy right now which is an odd feeling for me I don't think I'll ever get used to it. The only thing that makes me not so happy is when I get a call/txt from my bf asking me to pick him up from the bar and he's WASTED. When he's super wasted he either doesn't really gather that I'm not going to go away and cheat on him, or he's super sweet and shows that he wants affection. He also will treat me like one of the guys which I wouldn't mind if that didn't mean messing with me like he messes with his buddies. Believe me I'd rather hang out with a bunch of dirty boys then go shopping and get my toes/nails/hair done. That stuff is great once in a while but I'm not all about it.
Health news...
I FINALLY completely quit smoking cigarettes. Someone who's had asthma the majority of their life just shouldn't smoke. I got a mild case of bronchitis 2 months ago which just isn't cool. So I just finally said "FUCK IT THIS ISN'T WORTH IT!" so yayyy go me. Just don't had me a fag while I'm drunk and if you do stephyNOpants is gonna slap you and not in a naughty way.
I've also been loosing weight again which makes me super happy b/c I gained some back

Traveling news...
I LEAVE FOR THE EAST COAST ON MAY 27th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been back east since Thanksgiving of '07 I'm so excited to meet a bunch of you and to see my family. YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I'm staying for about 10 days which Is a good amount of play + family time.
For those of you in the area I'm trying to get a group together to go to the "shore" on Friday/Saturday the 5th. If you are awesome (sorry un-awesome people aren't invited) and want to come or meet up or w/e you know where to find me. I'm calling it BOOZE + JOOBZ do it east coast style. I think someone who is in one of the east coast groups should make it an actual event hint hint wink wink.

Okay enough now before I bore you to death. Must run off to work for a bit so I can go see Floater later tonight.
GET OLDER. Then you can drink in a formal dress and black the entire night out. 

great that your vagina is happy. very important. i wanna steal your hair!!!