My saying for the month...
Un bon sophiste est capable de nous dmontrer que l'eau de la mer est douce. Le malheur est que si on la boit, on la trouve sale.
Translated from my Mother tongue this means "A good philosopher is capable of convincing us that sea water is soft. The trouble is that if we drink it, we find it salty."
I wish my best friend wasn't such an alky. He'd be a lot more fun to hang out with.
Un bon sophiste est capable de nous dmontrer que l'eau de la mer est douce. Le malheur est que si on la boit, on la trouve sale.
Translated from my Mother tongue this means "A good philosopher is capable of convincing us that sea water is soft. The trouble is that if we drink it, we find it salty."
I wish my best friend wasn't such an alky. He'd be a lot more fun to hang out with.
La belle Stina... joie pour les yeux et l'me saoul.
Nevermind me I'm kinda wast..,