This weekend I went up back to Hull, where I went to university, for my friends' wedding.
It was great. Almost too great.

I'd been looking forward to seeing all the people I'd left behind when I moved home after graduation, but I'd forgotten about all the other people that, like me, would be coming back into town for the wedding. That was the difference...
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He said it more in the vein of "Sadly, I think they're going to hell." I don't think it makes any difference though if he feels pity or not for non-believers.

My mother was born in Vietnam and our whole entire family is Buddhist and/or Confucianist. She converted to Christianity when she immigrated to the US. I once asked her if she thought all of our ancestors were in hell right now and she answered yes. It didn't make me feel any less appalled that she said "Sadly, your grandparents are in hell" as opposed to "Yeah, your grandparents are in hell!"

Two month ago I visited Gainesville, Florida where I went to University and got all sentimental as well. My old friends were just as cool as I remembered them hehe.

I'm not sure how to say it, so I'll say it with music today
Weird day.

Got up late because I was tired and realised it was raining pretty hard. Fortunately, with my new car I didn't have to get wet walking anywhere or waiting for buses, though. Didn't have to, so I decided to clip a kerb needlessly and remove one of my hubcaps so I had to walk back up the road in the rain to pick...
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In the UK and Canada they have post(al) codes but in the U.S. we have zip codes. I think postal sounds better than zip though hehe.

There should always be a clear distinction between romantic and platonic friends. Ambiguous friends are the worst thing ever haha.
I have booked a ticket to Seattle. I have no idea where I'm going or where I'm staying for the first 4 days I'm there yet, but that will just add to the adventure.

The 'band' I'm playing with at the moment have now finished 2 songs. By no means a torrent of musicality, but seeing as I wrote the bulk of those 2 songs...
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Lego: Wow, what a nice pair of jugs you got there.
Red hair girl: Excuse me!
Lego: Oh, I was talking about your orange juice.

No, he didn't do any other famous experiments. He was just a one hit wonder haha. But the Stanford Prison Experiemnt is always mentioned in conjunction with the Milgram experiment.

During my senior year I interned for a professors and she made me hate psychology. I think all the significant experiments (such as Milgram) have already been done and all the new experiements psychologists are coming up with today are so trivial. For example, my professor once had an hour long meeting with her interns debating the philosophical and biological defintions of experiencing a "heartbreak." skull
Oh, yes - pig head on Big Boy equals PigBoy!
"The results, as I observed them in the laboratory, are disturbing. They raise the possibility that human nature cannot be counted on to insulate men from brutality and inhumane treatment at the direction of malevolant authority. A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act and without limitations of conscience, so long as they perceive...
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I got my bachelor's degree in Psychology and the Milgrim experiments was probably the most interesting thing I learned in school.
I feel very guilty.
I went up to a bar in London Bridge for my friend Mark's birthday tonight. Good night. We know the staff, so we get "mate's rate" on our drinks.
About half an hour before we were going to leave, a girl pretty much fell over the sofa where we are sat and said something to the effect of "Sorry, I'm Australian"....
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It was totally spelt the way I said it tongue
Music is quite frustrating right now.
I'm finding it hard to vent in any other way than to sit down with a guitar at the moment, but while it's sounding particularly good and while I've been figuring out a few new songs, somehow I feel like I'm playing the same thing over and over again. I need to find a way to jam with my...
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Yeah I wrote a journal entry but then I decided I didn't like it anymore so I replaced it with a smiley face. I'll have to look up that Blur book at the library.

I need some people to jam with too. I have about 8 songs written but no one to play with. I was jamming with this one band for about two weeks but it didn't work out. There lead singer wanted to emulate his favorite band of all time Yes, and I wasn't down with that at all haha.

I think Dean Martin's "When You're Drinking" is the best song about alcohol ever hehe.
For a change of pace, a bit of blues.

If I thought about it for long enough, I'd probably say the lyrics have a deep significance in my life. I think I'm better off just saying it's a pretty song that reminds me of someone lovely who lives even further away than my ex.

I wrote a new song last night. It must be the...
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And it's like, how much more black can the black bit of the t-shirt go? And the answer is... none. None more black.


Oh my gosh, are you ready to hear my rant about Juno?
First of all, fabulously funny. I love Michael Cera, Ellen Page, most of the cast except for Jennifer Garner though she was good too but.....
The film was completely untruthful about teen pregnancies. In fact, it was a romanticized tale about a girl whose parents magically don't kick her out for getting pregnant, whose boyfriend lets her make her own decisions, whose schoolmates don't make her feel like shit, who doesn't start getting insanely hormonal until her third trimester, and who is able to find the perfect couple for a private adoptions almost immediately after she starts looking. And then the whole speel about the fuckin fetus having fingernails?!?! I understand it's a movie and you need to create certain premises to have the action continue in the way the writer intends but I think that because it's a teen's film a lot more care has to be taken into being truthful. It's filled with a lot of unreal ideals of how teen pregnancy works in America when you look at real life cases like Jamie-Lynn Spears you can see that it's not really how our society would react to a young girl making decisions for herself outside of our ridiculously outdated norms.
Yeah, I just wrote a paper on this....I'm a HUGE dork.
And I like the Moldy Peaches.
And I worked at two movie theaters over the past 5 years so I best like some damn good movies!