Two songs that never fail to make me feel good:

haha. its funny because its true.
ahahaha thats amazing. that makes me happy.

well that question was already asked biggrin. so you'll just have to come up with another one biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
I've got itchy feet-- it's been fully 4 months since I left the country. I know, that doesn't seem very long, but this would have been a record last year.
Unfortunately, it's still a couple of weeks until pay day and I don't suppose I'll be able to afford any travel next month.
Suppose I'll have to make do with planning a holiday for the...
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Nah... I'm too cheap for that. Maybe one day I'll afford them.

The wedding was yesterday.
You know that you piss about with your hair too much when you get a haircut and hardly anyone notices.
It really must be something when you're bored as soon as you wake up.
Maybe it's not boredom; maybe it feels like it but it's something else.
Seems like a good day to do something interesting to pep things up, but I suppose I'll just continue boxing up my life... Maybe I am bored after all.
To the woman of my dreams,

Please, do me a favour: keep being your wonderful self and start running in the opposite direction to me.

It's the only way you'll keep my attention.

Thank you.
The morning my ex gf's mum died, I drew my curtains and saw black birds sitting in the tree at the end of the garden. As soon as I saw them, I was troubled by them, and was worried for most of the day until my ex called me with the bad news.
Before that, I wouldn't have said I was superstitious in that way....
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I've not been posting much for the last couple of weeks because I've been pretty busy with jazz gigs, friends coming to visit and sorting out flats.

Ah! Flats. My mate Ali and I have found a nice one near the centre of town (which makes commuting easier for him) which is a little bit pricey, but I'm only expecting it to be for a...
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A musical interlude, linked because they won't allow embedding:
Scouting for Girls
The police here are fucktards so I'm not sure that is going to work. ...but I'll still take it into consideration.