Today I came up with the band name "Fat China". I thought it was pretty cool until I said it out loud... had a good 5 minutes thinking up various band-related phrases after that, such as:
"I love Fat China"
"I'm going to see Fat China"
"Fat China rocks"
"I hear Fat China are on tour", "Yeah, Fat China gets around"
"What was the last CD you bought? Have you got any Fat China recently?"
And so on.
Believe me, this isn't a masterplan to make people say Fat China or anything similar- I ditched the idea fairly quickly, but it still made me laugh.
Saved me doing some work for a few minutes, anyway...
In other news, I skipped an Italian oral class (yeah, I've heard and made all the oral jokes), the 3rd I've missed in a row and therefore forfeiting the course. Saved me from doing a bit more work too.
Don't worry- it's not like it counted for anything.
"I love Fat China"
"I'm going to see Fat China"
"Fat China rocks"
"I hear Fat China are on tour", "Yeah, Fat China gets around"
"What was the last CD you bought? Have you got any Fat China recently?"
And so on.
Believe me, this isn't a masterplan to make people say Fat China or anything similar- I ditched the idea fairly quickly, but it still made me laugh.
Saved me doing some work for a few minutes, anyway...
In other news, I skipped an Italian oral class (yeah, I've heard and made all the oral jokes), the 3rd I've missed in a row and therefore forfeiting the course. Saved me from doing a bit more work too.
Don't worry- it's not like it counted for anything.
Yeah, so...sounds like you're doing well...
Fat China?
I have to ask....
How in the hell did you come up with that name?
Speaking of Fat China, chinese food sounds good...
Mmmm....lunch time.
Have a good Tuesday!