Sad times.
frown What's up?
Haha it could well have been me! Do you remember what I was wearing?
I'm pretty sure some people came with the intention to create chaos as the building was evacuated due to smoke grenades being lobbed in (I'm fairly sure that's true). Obviously then the pack mentality took hold of some of the more idiotic students. Even more idiotic is that many of those involved spoke to and gave their names proudly to the news cameras. What fools.
At the end of the day I'd rather let my view be heard rather than idly sit by and complain. There is obviously little chance of it having any effect (now especially because of the rioting) but I think it's quite jaded and cynical for some (not you, many other people have said it to me) to say 'what is the point' and slag off protesters for trying. These kinds of people and their promotion of inactivity allow the very thing they comment on - the deafness of the government to the opinions and pleas of the people they serve.
This is on the soundtrack of my favourite film of all time. I found the soundtrack on iTunes tonight, so I thought I'd share this youtube video:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

She's a babe! Schwing!! Yubby-yubby-yubby!

What's your favourite film?
What song do you love from a film soundtrack?

Radiohead from the album entitled In Rainbows.
What is it in a person that makes them sabotage a good thing?
Is it to do with feeling undeserving of good things?
Or is it a way of testing to see how good it is? That if you try to ruin it and it still works, that it's somehow better? Or maybe worse?

Is there a difference between good things, that are healthy for...
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Over the last few days, I've begun to recognise redundant words in the English language:

"Listen..." If they're not listening, this word will go unheard.

"Trust me" "Believe me..." If you have to say this, you're unlikely to instill any more faith than the person already had.

"No comment, no add" If the hopeful was going to add you without reading your profile or talking...
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Job interview went well, but they gave it to someone who had more specific experience than I do. No biggie-- I wasn't really committed to the job anyway.

With the prospect of actually having a job looming over me, today I understand why being unemployed isn't like being on school holidays.
I mean, apart from needing money and not having any, which of course makes...
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lulllz. you said "spaff"
also, upon perusing, i believe to have spaffed as well. hottie, hott, hotinski..... mc hottenstein............... hotterooski...
I'm trying to track down a song.

I fell asleep on the sofa tonight after I got home from work and I woke up from a dream with a song in my head, but I couldn't tell if I'd just made it up in my sleep or if it was something I'd heard recently, maybe even on the radio as I slept.

I googled the...
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The first song that popped into my head was....


I hate when that happens.

On a different note... http://www.videosift.com/video/LEGO-Secret-Vault-Contains-All-Sets-In-History biggrin

Totally thought of you.
I fucking need a holiday.
I need a fucking holiday.
Fuck, I need a holiday.
haha no!
i'll be there in 12 days. lets fake a holiday by going to some pub somewhere and drinking til' we feel like we are in ibiza. no?
So far so good.
I went for a run on Tuesday night; 1.5 miles up and down some pretty steep hills. Before I moved, I was running the same distance on the flat, so this is a big change. It took me 20 minutes and I've been incredibly stiff today, but at least I know it's doing me some good, right? I'm going to try...
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If it's exercise you're after, and you're not grossly overweight (which you don't appear to be), I don't see any problem with eating a little more. Though I always find it a good idea to plan a sensible meal before I run, that way you don't get carried away on an empty belly.

I think a lot of people are surprised that by eating smaller amounts of food, but slower, taking time to enjoy and chew it properly, you'll soon find yourself full up, but without that bloated heavy feeling from having eaten too much. Then have some rice crackers or something standing by for later on when you get peckish.

If you need a virtual running buddy, I need some help to get off my ever increasing arse and back on the road again!!!

It's a good idea to run maybe Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then have the weekend off. Especially to start off with.
Just looked back through my blog and realised I haven't mentioned Katie by name in 3 months. I don't know what that means.
Spent 2 weeks in Michigan with her, though, meeting her family, which was good. Her family are crazy and remind me of my own. I think I could quite happily move to the Mid West. Went back to work today feeling relaxed...
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well I am glad that you are learning things about yourself.
That is always good!

Until recently, I was starting to lose confidence in democracy. Not that I thought it was bad, but I wondered if it was the only way to run a country.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I voted for my Member of European Parliament (MEP). I walked into the polling station, gave them my name, picked up my card and walked to the booth. For...
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If I had my way, right now I'd tell most people to fuck off.
Not you, though. You're on SG and you're nice-- you can stay.
smile sweet!