You know what makes everything better?
Giant cotton candy
Seriously, thanks for all of your support and kindness lately. I was so sick with shingles, but thankfully it started getting better after a few days. It scared the crap out of me because of how quick it seemed to show up and spread. Anyway, I'm not 100%, but I'm close.
I had an amazing weekend with friends, went to the springs, partied, ate amazing food, went to Universal Studios.... It was all exactly what I needed.
Wednesday I'm driving up to Tennessee to hike in the mountains with some family and friends, maybe see Leilee too?
Watch all of my shenanigans on Instagram- Legoshelly

Seriously, thanks for all of your support and kindness lately. I was so sick with shingles, but thankfully it started getting better after a few days. It scared the crap out of me because of how quick it seemed to show up and spread. Anyway, I'm not 100%, but I'm close.
I had an amazing weekend with friends, went to the springs, partied, ate amazing food, went to Universal Studios.... It was all exactly what I needed.
Wednesday I'm driving up to Tennessee to hike in the mountains with some family and friends, maybe see Leilee too?

Watch all of my shenanigans on Instagram- Legoshelly


Glad to hear you are feeling better. 

Glad your getting better and enjoyed some cotton candy.