Well, this has got to be some kind of record. From SG n00b to staff member in a little under two and a half months.
Anyway, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I've been officially accepted as a politics / international affairs editor for the upcoming news section (along with the lovely RxQueen, one of the new music editors.) What this entails, I'm still not 100% sure. But it should be interesting at the very least. Anyway, even if it's more work, it's probably the sort of work that I'd be doing anyway (like reading obsessively about current events on the web, which I spend a good portion of each day doing.) So now you must all prepare yourselves for the beginning of my reign of terror. No one will be spared. (Just kidding, really. I'm very tolerant of Republicans.
Oh and by the way, any critiques of my writing would be greatly appreciated. There are definitely some stylistic and content restraints that I'll have to follow, but I'm new to this so I'd like to improve. Anyway, those of you out there with some literary flair (you know who you are
) feel free to offer commentary.
On another note, I think this could be a really interesting development for SG as a whole (not me being editor, the reformatting of content.) SG already has great boobies, no one is debating that. It's got a devoted following, and a lot of people who spend more time talking with each other and debating non-porn related topics than actually looking at pictures. So maybe this is a chance for SG to do for internet porn what Playboy did for printed porn in the 50's and 60's - give it an air of legitimacy. Playboy did it by printing stories by famous authors and having serious articles, SG already has a lot of great non-erotic content (that guy Daniel Robert Epstein is a machine), so moving it to the forefront could change the whole site's image. Make it so that you can have it in your personal bookmarks without embarassment. OK, enough propagandizing. We'll see.
In other news, I had a fairly long day in the lab today, but it turned out to be worthwhile. I had done this behavioral experiment in early december and got some really interesting results. However, due to the nature of the experiment, it took about 5 weeks to repeat it and see if I got the same results. I finally did that last week, and the results were really disappointing, the effect that I saw had disappeared. However, I needed to check some parameters on the mice that I used for the experiment just as a routine, and spent most of today doing that. It turns out, many of the mice were not who I thought they were. When I went back to reanalyze the data, not only did I see the same effect as before, but it looked even better. Which is very exciting (for me and my boss, at least.) So that made it all worthwhile - we may get our paper published in Neuron after all. Sexy.
OK, that's it, I have to get to work and get a bunch of articles checked out for Sean by tomorrow. Bon soir!
Edited to say: It's really late, and I should probably either be working or sleeping, but I had to share this website with you all - it's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. All collectible crap, of the worst quality - but they have NASCAR themed EVERYTHING! And let me tell you, nothing says "I'm a piece of poor, white trash" like an official Dale Earnhardt ("The Intimidator") ring - in sizes for ladies or the gents. Man, I love this country.

Oh and by the way, any critiques of my writing would be greatly appreciated. There are definitely some stylistic and content restraints that I'll have to follow, but I'm new to this so I'd like to improve. Anyway, those of you out there with some literary flair (you know who you are

On another note, I think this could be a really interesting development for SG as a whole (not me being editor, the reformatting of content.) SG already has great boobies, no one is debating that. It's got a devoted following, and a lot of people who spend more time talking with each other and debating non-porn related topics than actually looking at pictures. So maybe this is a chance for SG to do for internet porn what Playboy did for printed porn in the 50's and 60's - give it an air of legitimacy. Playboy did it by printing stories by famous authors and having serious articles, SG already has a lot of great non-erotic content (that guy Daniel Robert Epstein is a machine), so moving it to the forefront could change the whole site's image. Make it so that you can have it in your personal bookmarks without embarassment. OK, enough propagandizing. We'll see.
In other news, I had a fairly long day in the lab today, but it turned out to be worthwhile. I had done this behavioral experiment in early december and got some really interesting results. However, due to the nature of the experiment, it took about 5 weeks to repeat it and see if I got the same results. I finally did that last week, and the results were really disappointing, the effect that I saw had disappeared. However, I needed to check some parameters on the mice that I used for the experiment just as a routine, and spent most of today doing that. It turns out, many of the mice were not who I thought they were. When I went back to reanalyze the data, not only did I see the same effect as before, but it looked even better. Which is very exciting (for me and my boss, at least.) So that made it all worthwhile - we may get our paper published in Neuron after all. Sexy.
OK, that's it, I have to get to work and get a bunch of articles checked out for Sean by tomorrow. Bon soir!
Edited to say: It's really late, and I should probably either be working or sleeping, but I had to share this website with you all - it's the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. All collectible crap, of the worst quality - but they have NASCAR themed EVERYTHING! And let me tell you, nothing says "I'm a piece of poor, white trash" like an official Dale Earnhardt ("The Intimidator") ring - in sizes for ladies or the gents. Man, I love this country.
and it's cool that your experiment worked out and that you might get published... that's a cool thing for you "mad scientist" types.
right now i work in a supermarket bakery... i got the job as a part-time thing while i went to school... but, i couldn't find a good job up here after i graduated... and i couldn't afford to go back to school... so, i'm kiinda stuck up here until i pay off some of my school loans, etc... bleh.
anyway, have fun with the sg editor thing... and take care!