Well, it's Tuesday night, and about an hour and a half before the State of the Union address, which I will be watching, likely with a mixture of bemusement and horror, as in previous years.
I sometimes wonder why it is that so many of those who are being royally screwed by the Bush administration are its most ardent supporters. Reprobate had an interesting suggestion in one of the CE threads today, saying that all of the conservative propaganda about judicial activism, "partial-birth abortion" (nothing like a medical term invented by a politician) and gay marriage is just a smokescreen to get these people angry enough to keep voting Republican, just so the rich can get richer and large corporations can continue dictating federal policy. There's probably a lot of truth in that statement. At any rate, I think the Naderites can no longer claim that there's no fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans - I find it highly unlikely that we would be where we are today had Gore been president.
But that's idle speculation, and probably better left to a rant somewhere in CE than in my journal.
I decided to cancel my date with V. last night, partly because it was too damned cold to want to go out and do anything, and partly because I've been thinking a lot about K., and it felt weird meeting someone for the sole purpose of hooking up when I'm actively pursuing a girl who I really like a lot.
I'm starting to ponder my options in terms of housing. I mentioned in my last entry that one of my roommates is leaving our place. We could hypothetically get someone to live here and I could stay in my same apartment. This would be nice because a) I hate moving, b) it would save me money, c) I wouldn't have to endure the hell that is searching for an apartment in NYC and d) I have a pretty good deal in my current place (for New York.)
However, I'm starting to think that I would like a place that gets sunlight. That is, more than three days a year. I'm also thinking that I would really like to live by myself. But therein lies the rub - I also really really like living in downtown Manhattan. And it's more expensive there- probably so expensive that I couldn't afford to live alone. So do I sacrifice location for space? The eternal dilemma. Maybe I'll just buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best.
Well, this entry was sort of all over the place. But whatever. Politics, women, housing... they're all related... on some level that I can't really conceive of right now, but fortunately I'm not being graded on this journal entry. But feel free to if you like. I'll be distributing red pens to any who care to borrow them.
I sometimes wonder why it is that so many of those who are being royally screwed by the Bush administration are its most ardent supporters. Reprobate had an interesting suggestion in one of the CE threads today, saying that all of the conservative propaganda about judicial activism, "partial-birth abortion" (nothing like a medical term invented by a politician) and gay marriage is just a smokescreen to get these people angry enough to keep voting Republican, just so the rich can get richer and large corporations can continue dictating federal policy. There's probably a lot of truth in that statement. At any rate, I think the Naderites can no longer claim that there's no fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans - I find it highly unlikely that we would be where we are today had Gore been president.
But that's idle speculation, and probably better left to a rant somewhere in CE than in my journal.
I decided to cancel my date with V. last night, partly because it was too damned cold to want to go out and do anything, and partly because I've been thinking a lot about K., and it felt weird meeting someone for the sole purpose of hooking up when I'm actively pursuing a girl who I really like a lot.
I'm starting to ponder my options in terms of housing. I mentioned in my last entry that one of my roommates is leaving our place. We could hypothetically get someone to live here and I could stay in my same apartment. This would be nice because a) I hate moving, b) it would save me money, c) I wouldn't have to endure the hell that is searching for an apartment in NYC and d) I have a pretty good deal in my current place (for New York.)
However, I'm starting to think that I would like a place that gets sunlight. That is, more than three days a year. I'm also thinking that I would really like to live by myself. But therein lies the rub - I also really really like living in downtown Manhattan. And it's more expensive there- probably so expensive that I couldn't afford to live alone. So do I sacrifice location for space? The eternal dilemma. Maybe I'll just buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best.

Well, this entry was sort of all over the place. But whatever. Politics, women, housing... they're all related... on some level that I can't really conceive of right now, but fortunately I'm not being graded on this journal entry. But feel free to if you like. I'll be distributing red pens to any who care to borrow them.
i can't believe i watched it.
o yes, and Hi