Well, a joyful return to NYC. Boston was.... cold. But that's to be expected. Apparently the weather wasn't so great here either, from what I can tell. But, as always, the Chinatown bus rocks the house. Best deal on the east coast.
Went to my ex's birthday party (some of you may even be familiar with her, she was something of a minor celebrity in some circles on the internet for a while, though she's now retired and left those sordid affairs in the past...) which was pretty cool. She's always a lot of fun to hang out with, though her friends are kind of... I don't know, hard to describe. There's always a few guys who are so obviously trying to get her into bed (poorly) and making asses of themselves, which makes for good comedy, at their expense. The rest of them are a combination of former goths and europeans. A lot of them are chill, some of try a little hard.
They were doing henna tattooing at the party, which I've never really understood, since none of them has any real tattoos. I guess it's kind of fun, but what I like about real tattoos is not just the design of them, but the fact that they're a real commitment to something. Whatever. After a few drinks I really didn't care any more and just danced and had a good time.
One of these days I'm going to go to Boston and actually see something in the city. I hear how there's lots of cool history and what not there, but have never really had a chance to see any of it since I've always been visiting a friend or going for a party or something. Next time.
This week is definitely back to work for me. I've got serious sloth guilt from all of my slacking off over the past few weeks, so I've planned a shitload of experiments for this week. If even 1/4 of them work out as planned I'll be super happy.
And tomorrow night I'm meeting V. at a bar in Alphabet city. There's something beautifully simplistic about my relationship with V. - it's clearly about sex, and nothing else. And that's understood by both parties. Which takes away all comlpications. Although I guess if things with K. start getting serious I'll break it off with V. But for right now, I'm just having a good time and sort of enjoying not being tied down to anyone.
Oh yeah, and I may have to look for a new place to live this spring.
One of my roommates told me that she's definitely moving out with her friend when our lease is up. Which sucks, because she's a great roommate, and those aren't easy to come by. I'd honestly love to have my own place, but given that it's New York, and I'm a broke-ass grad student with extravagant tastes, I don't see that happening. So we'll see, maybe I can find a suitable substitute for her, someone who doesn't mind paying almost $1000/month to live in an underground room with no windows.
Hope everybody else had fun this weekend (I'm sure all of you SGNY people who went to the Philly party did).
Went to my ex's birthday party (some of you may even be familiar with her, she was something of a minor celebrity in some circles on the internet for a while, though she's now retired and left those sordid affairs in the past...) which was pretty cool. She's always a lot of fun to hang out with, though her friends are kind of... I don't know, hard to describe. There's always a few guys who are so obviously trying to get her into bed (poorly) and making asses of themselves, which makes for good comedy, at their expense. The rest of them are a combination of former goths and europeans. A lot of them are chill, some of try a little hard.
They were doing henna tattooing at the party, which I've never really understood, since none of them has any real tattoos. I guess it's kind of fun, but what I like about real tattoos is not just the design of them, but the fact that they're a real commitment to something. Whatever. After a few drinks I really didn't care any more and just danced and had a good time.
One of these days I'm going to go to Boston and actually see something in the city. I hear how there's lots of cool history and what not there, but have never really had a chance to see any of it since I've always been visiting a friend or going for a party or something. Next time.
This week is definitely back to work for me. I've got serious sloth guilt from all of my slacking off over the past few weeks, so I've planned a shitload of experiments for this week. If even 1/4 of them work out as planned I'll be super happy.
And tomorrow night I'm meeting V. at a bar in Alphabet city. There's something beautifully simplistic about my relationship with V. - it's clearly about sex, and nothing else. And that's understood by both parties. Which takes away all comlpications. Although I guess if things with K. start getting serious I'll break it off with V. But for right now, I'm just having a good time and sort of enjoying not being tied down to anyone.
Oh yeah, and I may have to look for a new place to live this spring.

Hope everybody else had fun this weekend (I'm sure all of you SGNY people who went to the Philly party did).
i was going to get a henna piece this summer, but someone told me the ink (whatever) doesn't take well to freckles. and i'm COVERED in them. so i didn't. sad.
Chinatown bus DOES rock, when the two lines aren't busy shooting at each other. Still, $25 to Boston can't be beat.