A short, stumpy, much-delayed journal entry.
Oh well. Between holidays, houseguests, traveling back and forth from Pennsylvania and my grandfather's 90th
birthday party, it's been a busy week and a half.
Got a great haul for christmas this year. As usual, it consisted almost entirely of books and DVDs, but lots of good stuff. For DVDs I got the third season of the Family Guy, Best in Show, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. For books I got Lolita and Pale Fire by Nabokov, A Clearing in the Forest by Steven Winter, How to Overthrow the Government by Arianna Huffington, Good Faith by Jane Smiley, Media Unlimited by Todd Gitlin, Take on the Street by Art Levitt, Against Love by Laura Kipnis and The Partly Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell. I'm very psyched, these should last me at least through June. Plus a gift certificate to Strand bookstore, my favorite in the city. Sensing a theme here?
I'm back in the city, but have some friends from out of town staying with me for New Year's. Admittedly, one of my least favorite holidays. The best way for me to explain this is to imagine being in army boot camp, standing in line for inspection and having the drill seargent yelling in your face, spit flying all over you, "You WILL have a good time tonight! You must drink as much crappy alcohol as possible, and stay out until six in the morning! Do you get me?" At which point everyone is obliged to say "Sir, yes sir!"
The whole thing feels kind of forced to me. Everyone builds up New Year's to be this great event, which it always has the potential to be. However, to quote Akutagawa Ryunosuke, "the true agony and ecstasy are in the expectation rather than the fulfillment." New Year's rarely lives up to the hype, and more often than I'd like I find myself surrounded by drunken ex-fratboys, yelling loudly and pouring beer on each other. Yay. This year I'm going to a house party, which I'm hoping will be a little bit more subdued. I think I'll give my houseguests a spare set of keys to the apartment and then they can stay out until 6am. Not for me this year.
I am, however, looking forward to the SGNY party on the 3rd, which should be lots of fun.
And I promise, this will be the last whiny journal entry for a while.
Happy New Year's, everyone.
Oh well. Between holidays, houseguests, traveling back and forth from Pennsylvania and my grandfather's 90th
Got a great haul for christmas this year. As usual, it consisted almost entirely of books and DVDs, but lots of good stuff. For DVDs I got the third season of the Family Guy, Best in Show, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. For books I got Lolita and Pale Fire by Nabokov, A Clearing in the Forest by Steven Winter, How to Overthrow the Government by Arianna Huffington, Good Faith by Jane Smiley, Media Unlimited by Todd Gitlin, Take on the Street by Art Levitt, Against Love by Laura Kipnis and The Partly Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell. I'm very psyched, these should last me at least through June. Plus a gift certificate to Strand bookstore, my favorite in the city. Sensing a theme here?
I'm back in the city, but have some friends from out of town staying with me for New Year's. Admittedly, one of my least favorite holidays. The best way for me to explain this is to imagine being in army boot camp, standing in line for inspection and having the drill seargent yelling in your face, spit flying all over you, "You WILL have a good time tonight! You must drink as much crappy alcohol as possible, and stay out until six in the morning! Do you get me?" At which point everyone is obliged to say "Sir, yes sir!"
The whole thing feels kind of forced to me. Everyone builds up New Year's to be this great event, which it always has the potential to be. However, to quote Akutagawa Ryunosuke, "the true agony and ecstasy are in the expectation rather than the fulfillment." New Year's rarely lives up to the hype, and more often than I'd like I find myself surrounded by drunken ex-fratboys, yelling loudly and pouring beer on each other. Yay. This year I'm going to a house party, which I'm hoping will be a little bit more subdued. I think I'll give my houseguests a spare set of keys to the apartment and then they can stay out until 6am. Not for me this year.
I am, however, looking forward to the SGNY party on the 3rd, which should be lots of fun.
And I promise, this will be the last whiny journal entry for a while.
Happy New Year's, everyone.
Sorry I've been scarce, I keep meaning to comment on the virus thing you wrote for me. Can I get an extension?
*brings out the cheese*
see you tonight. xo