Well, it's all over. It's funny to think that you can work for years and years (almost six in my case) on one project, present it in an hour, and then you're finished and can move on to bigger and better things.
So rather than continuing to be cryptic, I'll just say that I finally defended my thesis on Thursday on, and passed the defense. Which means that I'm now officially Dr. Legionnaire, as odd as that seems (I don't know if I'll ever get used to hearing it.) Thanks a lot to everyone who sent good wishes, and for all of your support along the way.
It's really an odd feeling to not having anything to do now. I've spent the last three months working so intensely on my thesis and then my presentation that any time I didn't spend working on it felt wasted and I would immediately feel guilty for not being productive. Now I don't need to be productive any more, in fact I can feel free to lounge around and be lazy, sleep in, have drinks, and do nothing for a while.
I'm looking forward to it.
So rather than continuing to be cryptic, I'll just say that I finally defended my thesis on Thursday on, and passed the defense. Which means that I'm now officially Dr. Legionnaire, as odd as that seems (I don't know if I'll ever get used to hearing it.) Thanks a lot to everyone who sent good wishes, and for all of your support along the way.
It's really an odd feeling to not having anything to do now. I've spent the last three months working so intensely on my thesis and then my presentation that any time I didn't spend working on it felt wasted and I would immediately feel guilty for not being productive. Now I don't need to be productive any more, in fact I can feel free to lounge around and be lazy, sleep in, have drinks, and do nothing for a while.
I'm looking forward to it.
YAY doctor!! fancy!! I'm coming to new york this weekend...

Wow, congrats!! Any big celebration plans?