speaking of bikes
last june I was riding home from Ft Drum, it was about 8:30 PM. knowing the strech of road is well patroled I glanced down at my speedo 60 MPH, eyes back to the road "DEER" impact. All I can figure is that I didn't have time to react I stayed one two wheels and came to a stop abut 200 ft later. walking back to the body I called a friend to bring my jeep to bring home my prize and then the cops for my deer tag. I moved the deer to the side and moved my bike back to the deer. useing the copes headligts I removed the remains of my fender. I didn't know the shifter lever was bent until after the deer was loaded and I started home again, not being able to shift into second gear I stopped and realize the problem and bent it back. The dear went to the butchers the next day and I had a hell of a storey for my co-workers.
last june I was riding home from Ft Drum, it was about 8:30 PM. knowing the strech of road is well patroled I glanced down at my speedo 60 MPH, eyes back to the road "DEER" impact. All I can figure is that I didn't have time to react I stayed one two wheels and came to a stop abut 200 ft later. walking back to the body I called a friend to bring my jeep to bring home my prize and then the cops for my deer tag. I moved the deer to the side and moved my bike back to the deer. useing the copes headligts I removed the remains of my fender. I didn't know the shifter lever was bent until after the deer was loaded and I started home again, not being able to shift into second gear I stopped and realize the problem and bent it back. The dear went to the butchers the next day and I had a hell of a storey for my co-workers.