Well it happened, I got fired. Or put it correctly, since this is my probationary year, it has been decided that it would not be effiecient and in the agencies best interest to keep me on.
What ever!! this sucks, because I coulodn't pass the stupid Math refresher with a fucking 70%..I missed it by 4 questions. FUCK!!!
So now I am gainfully unemployed, Not the way I wanted to end my summer, but oh well..... I need some time to chill and recharge.
Any way, I have to cut down on my expenses, so much for shopping online. I have so much fun doing it.
Not sure what the next step is....I will probably break my lease here in Eugene, and move back to Vancouver, Which sucks, cause that will cost me in more ways than one.
Iis there any one in SG land that is interested in being my Sugar Momma???? I give great back rubs BTW!!!! (just saying)
That's me.... Hope you guys have a great weekend, I am going to chill today. There will be plenty of time to worry later.
Much love to my friends!!!!
What ever!! this sucks, because I coulodn't pass the stupid Math refresher with a fucking 70%..I missed it by 4 questions. FUCK!!!
So now I am gainfully unemployed, Not the way I wanted to end my summer, but oh well..... I need some time to chill and recharge.
Any way, I have to cut down on my expenses, so much for shopping online. I have so much fun doing it.
Not sure what the next step is....I will probably break my lease here in Eugene, and move back to Vancouver, Which sucks, cause that will cost me in more ways than one.
Iis there any one in SG land that is interested in being my Sugar Momma???? I give great back rubs BTW!!!! (just saying)
That's me.... Hope you guys have a great weekend, I am going to chill today. There will be plenty of time to worry later.
Much love to my friends!!!!


So looks like my next PDX trip got pushed to either the 2nd or 3rd week of October. Thought I would let you know.