I just had a dream where I switched means of transportation 7 times. I started out in a old 70's van ( the kind a molester would own), then I was on a motorcycle ( a really cheesy one like a Ninja), then I was in an Luxurious SUV (the kind a rapper in a music video would have), then I was on a bicycle (obviously stolen and talking on a cell phone while riding), I think next I was walking (but on long scaffolding, with tons of deformed people, who needed my help getting down because they were missing elbows and digits), then I was on a skateboard which quickly turned into a pair of skates (no idea if they were iceskates, rollerskates, or blades), I was then woken up by a phonecall before I had a chance to hop on a pogostick or bigwheel!!!! Back to bed.... I need to stay away from the gimp (on unicycles)they're scarier than midget clowns.
ever have night terrors? *shudders* not fun.
ok, me again. had a crazy dream last night. i was eating at this restaurant, but got full. the waiter told me to take the whole plate home with me, so i did. i was walking down the street to my hotel. i got in the elevator, but it was an outdoor elevator and open air. the cord snapped and i tried to grab on to the guard rail, but my hand slipped (i'm still holding on to the plate). i fall like six or seven stories. i'm thinking, ok, i'm gonna wake up now before i hit the pavement. well i didn't. i hit the pavement and i watched my body along with the plate break into millions of water droplets. then i woke up. thought i'd share that with you.