Kinda want to fuck everyone right now.
It's the front lady from Creem city if you've ever seen them at shows.

Kinda nervous. I've never gone out drinking with a girl who's a lead singer of a band.
Oh yeah I've seen them. Lucky man! Have fun out there!

Also I haven't seen you in too long. Yeesh.
Life. Oh, life.

This past Saturday I met up with this sweet art student from Georgia, Darby, who is in town for the summer. The itinerary sounded date like: Meet in Pioneer Square, walk to Capitol Hill, eat dinner in the pseudo alley part of Oddfellows, eat ice cream, walk and sit in Cal Anderson Park, a round of late coffee at Bauhaus and Blue...
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I was going to go to a show last night, but I ended up just drinking at Redwood and Unicorn with some of my friends.

Tonight should be good. I met this Graphic Designer via The Stranger earlier this week who is doing a summer internship out here between years at Savannah College of Art and Design and tonight we're meeting up for the first...
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Good luck my friend.

I missed the show last night too, got stuck at work too late. Boo.

You have my number right? We should grab a beer some time.
We should!
May is going to be so much fun.

1. First full month of full-time designing.
2. My friend and acquaintances in The Unemployables playing the Funhouse. Tuesday 5/11
3. Mini-Northwest Tour with my friends in Boats! Seattle. Tacoma. Vancouver B.C. 5/13- 5/16
4. Henry Rollins at The Moore 5/27
5. Friend/"Ex" coming in from Alaska for a few days.
6. Weather warming up. Days longer....
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Yeah they were a pretty kewl science installation...by science worldsmile
Cool! I'll have to look it up when I head up this week. Thank you!
I am now a fully employed Graphic Designer, as opposed to struggling to be one. I'm an in-house designer for an herbal supplements company. I do advertising, packaging and collateral materials. Normal hours and livable pay. The employees are all Indian so I they teach me bits and pieces of Indian and share their amazing Indian dishes at lunch. I just can't believe someone pays...
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Wow, that's so exciting!
I may have a full-time Graphic Design job lined up at a Herbal Supplements company. Connections really do wonders. Tomorrow, it will be official.

Also, I may need braces, after noticing some potentially bothersome happenings in my mouth. Good bye money?
Yeah, well remember the time right after the clorox girls set ended, my friend and I almost got in a fight with a few dudes outside because my friend had rescued some guys jacket from the pit and the dude thought he was stealing it? Pretty real. I had to drag my friend away from potential punches while we ran down the street. Some woman recorded the whole thing on her iphone. Crazy drunks!
Wish I had been able to stay!

Good times all around.
What is new? I don't even know. Perhaps too much for me to even register at the moment and that is why I am drawing a blank. Or perhaps it is because I am pretty beat.

I started this week at my new part time job at Office Max on Mercer Street. I work in the stores print and copy center called "Impress". This job...
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You know how some people play Rock and Roll to "meet chicks"? I think I've taken up Swing Dancing as a way to meet women. I mean, not to disrespect the art or anything, but that's how I feel about it.

I have started applying for jobs again. My internship is becoming frustrating and I'm loosing optimism of it turning in to anything more.

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Every monday 3-7ish
It's the new canon rebel., XSi.
Latest musical discovery / favorite band at the moment: French / German duo, Stereo Total.

Go check out the album "Paris Berlin". Oh my goodness...

In other news, this evening I went Swing dancing (for the first time in my life) at the Century Ballroom on Capitol Hill. I kind of had my doubts about the evening, mostly due to my lack of experience, but...
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Thanks for the heads up about Prost. Perhaps I will join you around the end of your shift? I could go for a goblet size Eidger Weissbrau right about now. Can't drink for long since I need to drive later!
I heard about that singles thing from Byron.

How did it go? I was curious what happened.
I was in Washington D.C. / Maryland all last week. Really I was out there for a memorial service for a friend (which I mentioned in my last entry) though mostly I spent the week with my friends.

The day before we left the East Coast got hit by snow pretty hard. Our flight home this past Sunday was canceled so my family had to...
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