couple of tattoos I've done recently, for more updates please check my instagram: xamthespaniard thank you!
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couple of tattoos I've done recently, for more updates please check my instagram: xamthespaniard thank you!
Here's one I really enjoyed doing. Thanks for looking!
I've just got back from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Philippines, here's some of the work I've done while I was there. I highly recommend hong kong, it's one of my favourite cities so far!
I love doing rope bunny babes :)
2017 was a rollacoaster, lots of up and downs but managed to be a good year at the end. I traveled to Asia, Australia and New Zealand, also a bit around Europe. 2018 should be the same if not better. Here's some of the latest work I've done. i'm still off work till next week. I hope everyone had a great start of the year!!
Hello Australia!! Im finally traveling to Melbourne and Sydney to guest at some tattoo studios. Being my first visit ever, I'm a bit lost in places to visit, good bars, good food, nice areas to hang out... any help would be highly appreciated it and if anyone has time and wants to meet for some drinks, please do give me a shout!!! my work can...
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