Thank you after all these years S.G for gifting me a free account again for 3 months. However I am 32, the girls on this site are really, really young and not my cup of fact it makes me feel like a perv to even be here writing this blog. Now that there is no serial columnists here anymore this site doesn't really have any thing that i would consider informative or entertaining to me. As a personal mantra, I aspire for everything i do in life to be one of the two afore mentioned articles..if it doesn't entertain me or inform or educated me in anyway I am wasting my time and could most likely be doing something that could.
However to your credit, this site has survived a lot longer than I think anyone thought it would have.
However to your credit, this site has survived a lot longer than I think anyone thought it would have.
well i wish you luck- its been a pleasure meeting you!