
if you guys want to IM me, my sn is paprclipofdeath

MSN : leeezard_18@hotmail.com

if you seem someone worth talking to.. then I'll add you to my list
Okay, so I'm living on my own now... scary.

I'm nervous about a lot of things. Going to be on a very fixed budget. Which sucks. I mean I'm sure my parents are going to help me out some. I'm just really nervous....

school is around the corner, classes start monday. Which makes me a little nervous.
i just want things to calm down a...
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Before too long you will enjoy it I'm sure. Once you start school it won't seem that bad. Hope that your first week of classes goes well.
don't worry, living on your own can be tough at first but you just have to keep yourself busy and you'll be fine.smile also, how long did you live in france if you dont mind me asking?
My dog went missing.

I'm really upset.

Things have been , well sometimes they could be better.

I've worked for the last two days, it was okay, the money was good though


found him, he wandered to the woods, and a builder spotted him. He took him in and Benji slept there for the night. When we put signs up, the guy saw them...
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Heureux de savoir que sa t plus un lost and found rapide smile

Take care of you.
Usually when things go missing (inanimate objects that is) just ask the pixies, or gnomes (I just refer to them as The Little People) to please return them. Later they turn up.
Who knew you could choke on a reese peanut butter cup?

Well it happened to me, I almost choked to death, it was scary, yet funny. Jon was freaking out for a second, he got really scared, so did I. he didn't know the heimlick, so he smacked my back, but after I was done choking. It was funny nonetheless. Not saying that the actual...
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i was eating some bacon with one of my friend. He choke on it...and i was in front of him laughing because i tought he was kidding. I laugh until he starting to faint.his face was realy blue..oups. hehe then i did the medical thing to do and he survive and beat me after for laughing at him whatever tongue

It was funny
i will choke on practically anything, let's hope i never wind up in jail
thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday. smile

Yesterday was an alright day. we went to see a movie. then stopped by couple places, then went to get food and watched pirates of the caribean at Jon's.

Part of me felt extremely weird yesterday. I felt as if yesterday could be the one day where I can be selfish, but then again, I feel...
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Ho yes it is ....you'll see, you'll be sorry and very scare hahah lol...kinding wink. Damn ! i'm late for your birthday. Dsol, bonne fte en retard quand mme biggrin

Well today it's the2 year anniversary with Jon.

Saturday it's me's birthday, 19 woooo.

in a couple weeks I move out, a week after that I start band camp

after that it's school.

time is going too damn fast... am I ready for change? I don't really know. College is supposed to be the time of your life. I'm excited yet very nervous.
Happy Birthday! Cheers!
I think I'm losing weight just from working.

My knee doesn't hurt anymore, so tat's good.

Yesterday I talked to one of the cooks at work, they're all pretty nice. Although, you have to respect then because if you say you dont' like something, they get offended, or laugh at something. although their deserts are a work of art.

The waiters got yelled at for...
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heh naw punchin out shouldn't be a reason too get fired. I hate the restraunt and bar industry, its fun at first for the first couple years, then tips start to be so good u hate it but u can't quit, heh guess where i work smile oh well i hope ur havin fun doing it, whats the place called ur working at?
Well, tonight I to got my first tips as a busser at the Fat Canary. Very high class restaurant, Colin Ferrell had reservations to it, but our host Branch turned him away.. yeaaah, tonight was funny he was training to be a waiter, it was amusing more than anything.

My feet hurt so much. but I got 47 dollars.

I'm sooo tired
The fat canary...interresting name. Last time i went to a high class restaurant, my friend and i could'nt stop talking about sick things. On sacrait aussi pas mal trop, les clients cot de nous se tassait. Mais au moins les employers on trouver sa drole. hehe

take care wink