I could use some encouragement. I just graduating college with a bachelor's in film. I'm trying to produce instructional training videos on my own. Not getting much support from the locals. So if you have a workout routine and you're not too far from Phoenix I'm all ears on producing a workout video. Also having trouble finding work in the area. Maybe I need to move out to LA. Just thought I'd move here for the girl. On the other hand I've made great progress in writing a horror film I've been putting off for a couple years.
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 28, 2012
Finally got accepted into the SG Las Vegas group. Applied nearly 8 m… -
Wednesday May 23, 2012
I sit here drinking a green iced tea at Starbucks. I'm not a Starbuc… -
Thursday May 17, 2012
Just got back to Las Vegas. Been in Arizona since Tuesday for work. … -
Monday May 14, 2012
Today I drove a hooker to work. I freelance as a camera operator/ass… -
Monday Jan 30, 2012
In a good mood. -
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
It pisses me off how most women seem to think they're just like Summe… -
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
I'm so not as optimistic for the future as I usually am. I'm current… -
Thursday Dec 22, 2011
So I'm doing much better today. I woke up and enjoyed some tea. I w… -
Thursday Dec 22, 2011
AWWWWWW!!! So this gorgeous redhead left me almost a month ago. I t… -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
Is it just me or is SG getting lame? The pics and sets are still qua…