please don't think i'm avoiding you like the plague or because you have a booger hanging from your nose hair. there are no excuses to cover up my sluggish behavior these past few months. i may have posted in a journal here and there, but nothing consistent like i once was. i feel guilty about it. i'm sorry. and i do mean it. *hugz*?
this move to the new house is beginning to sink in. the morning commute is two hours long, i stay at work til 7 or 8 pm cuz work is busier than ever, then i have the hour drive back to look forward to. i like playing with the nav system in the new car - but there's so much *looking down and not at the road* i can do in a car ride
i miss the ocean fog and the salt smell of the air - which we got plenty of at the old place. there isn't much green nature stuff around the new place... well, since it's all cookie cutter houses with newly laid out sod.. no birds, no mature trees, no nuthin. sure, the delta waterway is right there.. but it's different. so, we've decided to get another house near the sf bay. so in another few months we will move - again.
this weekend we spent both days at the point reyes national seashore - brought the dog too. we wanted to get some fishing done, but we ended up picnicing, romping on the beach with the dog, who was chasing the seagulls away and running across the stream... with me running after her cuz she took off suddenly and broke my hold on the leash. on the way home, a cow escaped from one of the historical ranches in the park (there are still cow/chicken/sheep farms still in operation, most were established more than 100 years ago) and decided to stand still and chew and rechew its cud. there were cars piling up on either side of the 2 lane road. us, being the good citizens that we are
drove to the nearest farm to let 'em know a cow was loose and was blocking the highway. they said it was the neighboring farms' cow and that he'd give those people a call. when we returned back to the highway, the cow was charging down the side of the road, shaking its head and then stopped and lifted its leg. i don't know what it did, since i zoomed right past it to get out of its war path. i didn't want to see that cows' war face in my windshield
this week will be exciting. work will keep me uber busy, my folks will be driving up on friday, christmas eve, and i still have yet to go shopppppingggggggggggg.
you've made it this far down.. why don't you come here and sit on my lap and tell santa baby what you want most this christmas
this move to the new house is beginning to sink in. the morning commute is two hours long, i stay at work til 7 or 8 pm cuz work is busier than ever, then i have the hour drive back to look forward to. i like playing with the nav system in the new car - but there's so much *looking down and not at the road* i can do in a car ride

this weekend we spent both days at the point reyes national seashore - brought the dog too. we wanted to get some fishing done, but we ended up picnicing, romping on the beach with the dog, who was chasing the seagulls away and running across the stream... with me running after her cuz she took off suddenly and broke my hold on the leash. on the way home, a cow escaped from one of the historical ranches in the park (there are still cow/chicken/sheep farms still in operation, most were established more than 100 years ago) and decided to stand still and chew and rechew its cud. there were cars piling up on either side of the 2 lane road. us, being the good citizens that we are

this week will be exciting. work will keep me uber busy, my folks will be driving up on friday, christmas eve, and i still have yet to go shopppppingggggggggggg.
you've made it this far down.. why don't you come here and sit on my lap and tell santa baby what you want most this christmas

Hope you have a great new year also, thank you lina.