I made a nice 2 hour mix while partying in Detroit after the first night of Movement hope you enjoy.
It's been ages since i've really been on here. Work has been mad crazy and every other weekend for the most part is spent with my son. I did have time between work to mix a new set to get me in the mood for Movement in Detroit in a few weeks.
Hope you enjoy and leave some feedback.
I've been busy as hell these days trying to make everyone happy, but myself lol. That's life! My boy comes first then work and the rest. I put out another new set of Tech House Music check it out if you have time. SubSonic Sessions 3
I'm moving to a new place this week plus court for my son and of course work mixed into...
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I'm moving to a new place this week plus court for my son and of course work mixed into...
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So I've been slacking on here blogging due to work, driving back and forth to Ohio from Kentucky to see my Son, family, and friends. I have court next week, we shall see how bad I get taken to the cleaners. I take care of my son to the fullest. I paid for everything from clothes, food, shoes, medical expenses, school things, and sports. I...
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My newest creation
SubSonic Sessions 1
SubSonic Sessions 1

Hope u like it and your set in MR is hot!
Sorry I haven't posted in a long while been busy but check out my new mix on soundcloud.Prog/Electro House Mix
I haven't blogged for a while, I've been busy with work. Working 50-60 hour weeks is killing me, but making that money is nice. I got my 90 days in at Ford LAP at the beginning of the month. Now I'm in search of a new place to call my new home. I've been traveling a lot back and forth to ohio to see my...
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Hey all, been super busy. I'm now living in Louisville, KY and coming home to Ohio on the weekends to visit my son. I'm officially a Ford employee finally after many years of being a temp for many years. I'm working 11 hour nights now and it was kicking my ass after being on day shift for months.
Went to Movement in the D over...
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Went to Movement in the D over...
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I haven't posted for a few weeks, been kinda busy. I've been working, spending time with my son and helping my dad out with the bar and other odds and ends. I did buy my Dj software and been messing with that a bit on my free time. I haven't anything more on my move to Louisville except that I'm about a month away from...
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hey ohio friend whats up!
Well yesterday was a good time accept for the fact my friend that was going to drive for the SG party in Columbus fell through at 3pm and we were leaving up here (Cleveland area) around 8 or 9. I was pissed but what can you do. So I'm gearing for Hell City.
I've been trying to work out things with my son's mother. We...
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I've been trying to work out things with my son's mother. We...
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