if your not making ripples in the water what are you here for?
im glad my last post got some attention and im glad that people agree with me while some staff doesnt
im glad other people are seeing the same thing i do
i love SG dont get me wrong
I have nothing against this place or i wouldnt be here. im always on the "lookout" at other places and their attempts to do the same and i see potential in them....i also see a lot of just we like the sets for (tna) here as well. this is about women being proud to be who they are
apparently some people need clarificaton. i dont want my sets turned down because ive pissed off staff
but i am here (in this world) to make changes in my life i feel need to change or to come anew
for too long people get lost and stuck in akimbo
and thats sad.....what im after is no steriotyping
i just dont want to see people get set into a group because of how they look. big small tattooed not tatooed
yes a lot of girls are looking plain to me....doesnt mean they arent beautiful or that the sets from "year" ago are still here because people like them!
i hate that theres no "ranting" option here
so i put bitching so people can enjoy my "bitching"
heres some pics of a model i like...just to add to it

im glad my last post got some attention and im glad that people agree with me while some staff doesnt
im glad other people are seeing the same thing i do
i love SG dont get me wrong
I have nothing against this place or i wouldnt be here. im always on the "lookout" at other places and their attempts to do the same and i see potential in them....i also see a lot of just we like the sets for (tna) here as well. this is about women being proud to be who they are
apparently some people need clarificaton. i dont want my sets turned down because ive pissed off staff
but i am here (in this world) to make changes in my life i feel need to change or to come anew
for too long people get lost and stuck in akimbo
and thats sad.....what im after is no steriotyping
i just dont want to see people get set into a group because of how they look. big small tattooed not tatooed
yes a lot of girls are looking plain to me....doesnt mean they arent beautiful or that the sets from "year" ago are still here because people like them!
i hate that theres no "ranting" option here
so i put bitching so people can enjoy my "bitching"
heres some pics of a model i like...just to add to it

I like the way you bitch, its bitchin!