Sorry for my lack of presence this week,
My cat was hospitalized on Tuesday and I was worried sick for her.She got back home this morning, she is in better health now but I have to take care of her.
I adopted her 10 years ago now, from a family we knew. She flew from Reunion Island with me until France and never left my side ever since.
I have to prepare myself as I don't really know how much time I have with her, even with the treatment we are going to give her at home.
She is an adorable ball of fur, she was the favorite of the doctor because she was adorably wise.
Next appointment is in 10 days and we will see if we adjust her medication or not.
Next appointment is in 10 days and we will see if we adjust her medication or not.
Anyway, i'm just happy to hear her purr again. (But still a bit worried and stressed)
Love your companions as much as you can everyday
Merci @mandeelou 🥺
Healing vibes for your kitty: 🙌🏼🙌🏼🐱🙌🏼🙌🏼😍😍😍🤘🏼🤘🏼