First of all, thank you very much for being here, for my new set by @minuminula ! It really changes from what you are use to see about me here, I mean, Leelou without Lingerie ?! haha
But, As you may have seen it on my last set Gaming break , I own a switch and spend time on it (a lot of time on Animal Crossing since it has been released but not only! ) and the best combo for gaming is comfy outfit or naked and play for hours haha
Actually, I am more a PC Gamer, like ... a lot. I grew up surrounded by gamers and since I'm an adult, I have my own computer and catch up all the time I couldn't enjoy it. (Did you know that i have a twitch channel ? you can find me by searching for Leeloumultitask ;) ). Unfortunately, it's hard to do a photoset around a computer ... SO a Switch is good haha
And you, are you a gamer too ?