This is my first blog....I normally don’t write my thoughts publicly, but I felt like I needed to say two very important things.

#1 My wife got her hair cut no guard fade and left the top shorter than shoulder length. It is the sexiest hair cut I have ever seen. I have been attracted to her since I first laid eyes on her, but...
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As I said in a previous post, I still can’t believe I have the privilege of being married to my best friend.  She had no idea I was going to propose, she thought I was going to the night before when we were walking on the boardwalk under a full moon, but instead I gave her a moon stone necklace (I figured why not have a kit magick to help me the next day). Later on she told me that she thought I was going to propose on the boardwalk and she had gotten all excited.  So when I did it the next day, she had no idea.  It was a beautiful surprise!
You sloppy romantic you 😁😍
Okay my best friend in the entire world and wife (I still can’t believe she said yes) wants to be a SG. I think she would make a fantastic addition to the collective.  What do y’all think?
Dreams are for following and I think she should. You're a beautiful couple and she is a beautiful lady 😍
I had written my first blog and this was supposed to be attached to it, I screwed it up and I think I lost the huge thing I wrote... oh well.  When you get lost and feel there is no hope left, remember who you are, the true you, your core value that makes you joyful. Not happy, but joyful.
Lovely ☺️