Another weekend is here. This past week was busy and went fast. Tomorrow my brother and I have to travel to New Jersey. I'm dreading the traffic. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but there seems to be a lot of inconsiderate and sometimes really angry people on the highways these days. Tomorrow is supposed to be a little cooler, so maybe it'll be a...
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Long day for a Saturday. My mother-in-law had two flat tires on her lawnmower, so first thing this morning I took my air compressor over and pumped them up for her. Coming back home the traffic was horrible on the road to the beach. Just as bad going the other way too. Even late this afternoon it was all jammed up headed into the beach....
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The heat wave broke yesterday and though it was warm it wasn't a killer. Today is not supposed to be too bad and perhaps could have some rain--we need it. I'm worried about the trees in my yard as it has been dry for them. My wife's garden is taking a hit too, although we got our first tomato yesterday!
Today is going to be...
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Today is going to be...
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Hot Hot Hot! It's been damn hot today, yesterday, and supposed to be tomorrow. 99 degrees here at home today and it's 7:30 in the evening and still 94 degrees. Heat index almost 110 today and tomorrow the same. TGAC (thank god for a/c). It's almost too hot to screw. TGAC again!
Thanks for the comment honey, brightened my day!
Got a 4-day weekend. Looking forward to goofing off.
Holy crap, it's August already!
Yep, Kate's fine too. She called me late last night. Thanks babe.
TGIF!!! Got the day off, but it will be a busy weekend. Have to go to NJ tomorrow, then a busy day Sunday too. But today I'm goofing off.
Hi ho hi ho, it's off to work I go. Another week starting today. It won't be to bad though. Tuesday and Thursday are long days but I get Friday off. Nothing too difficult on the calender this week.
Long day at the office today, but it's all over now. Tomorrow as a day of rest and back at it Monday. Ain't life in America grand?
Got the day off, but have to go in tomorrow. So, today I'll play and maybe, just maybe, get some chores done.
Third day back at work after vacation. I've got to work this Saturday too but have Friday off. Before vacation I was told my presentation for Saturday didn't have to be turned in until yesterday. But when I went back to work Monday they said we have to have it today. But Monday was a busy day and no way I could get it done....
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It could be cancer... or an ear infection as my mom suggested. Ha, I'll go see a Dr if it hasn't gotten better by Friday.
My weeklong vacation is over. Back to the ol' saltmine tomorrow.

Mine's over too, school starts again tomorrow.